Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Results of The Great Backyard Bird Count..for Catherine

This post is for Catherine over at http://agardenerinprogress.blogspot.com/ I have my camera set on kids and pets.....

1 Eurasian Collared Dove
4 Red bellied Woodpecker
11 Carolina Chickadee
6 Turkey Vulture (Buzzard)
1 Tufted Titmouse
4 White-breasted Nuthatch
2 Pine Warbler
33 Chipping Sparrow (I'm sure this number is low)
10 Song Sparrow
10 Northern Cardinal
1 House Finch
10 Red-winged Blackbird
70 Brown-headed Cowbird (I know this number is low)
7 American Goldfinch
5 Eastern Phoebe
2 Mourning Dove
1 Downy Woodpecker
1 Red-shouldered Hawk
5 Eastern Bluebird

Thank you Catherine for introducing me to the Backyard Bird Count. My husband and I really enjoyed looking for birds around our yard..We have always had a lot, now we are learning how to feed to attract certain birds...you can view the birds that I captured in my older posts.
Don't forget our weekly Header Challenge this afternoon..theme 'Cinema'...
Please visit (sorry Tom-Ass) http://womtig.blogspot.com/ , http://thefishingguy.blogspot.com/ , http://imac-photosfromthemindseye.blogspot.com/ , http://beestonblog.blogspot.com/ and http://meandering-martha.blogspot.com/ and leave your honest opinions.


Today I am Thankful for the Internet as a learning tool.


tina said...

You had quite a variety of birds and did a great job counting them. I'm not sure if I'd be able to count up so many. I had far fewer but it was fun-my first year participating but it won't be my last.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You had a great variety of birds, Darla... We have more Goldfinches this year than last year. Last year we had tons of Pine Siskins. None of them this year.

Great post, and I'm looking forward to your header challenge.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Wonderful variety of birds. Interesting about the vultures.

Gail said...

It was fun wasn't it! Hows the weather down there...I need a vacation. gail

Becca's Dirt said...

I am impressed Darla. How are you able to capture so many different ones. Is it the types of feeders and food you put out? Are you looking these up in a book? Tell me so I can join in the fun next year.

Darla said...

Becca: We have always tried to ID birds which have caused us to buy several bird books, one even plays the songs they sing. In reading about the birds we try to see where they feed on the ground or feeders...and what types of fruit and or nuts they prefer. Black Oil Sunflower Seed are popular with most Songbirds. Last year we added Suet Blocks and they are a big hit in the winter. We also have two hummingbird feeders that stay up year round incase we get a stray migrator. We DO NOT buy the red colored food, it's actually bad for the hummers...I just mix sugar in hot water.....it's addicting I have to tell you that...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for showing your list and photos of the birds previously, Darla! You shot verifies that my new visitor is for sure a pine warbler, he/she could be the twin of yours. I loved seeing your phoebe and hawk, and of course the bluebirds are so welcome anytime. You had a great count! :-)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: Fun look at all the neat birds.

Shelley said...

You had a great variety - congratulations!! I love those bluebirds!

Martha said...

Cute! Figures you found a way to tun the theme to flowers - your specialty, and always beautiful :-)

imac said...

Ah, I have been waiting for you my beauty,lol, Love the spring feeling and your film - Shall we chase you eound twice.

RURAL said...

There is always the most beautiful collection of different birds at your house. I love dropping by and getting to see all of them.

Slightly jealous also, since we are not allowed to feed the birds here, [but we do secretly]. And even if we could, we definitely don't have the different amounts of birds that you do.


Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

What a lot of species you saw and so many of a lot of them. You have such a pretty yard, no wonder so many come to visit. The bird count really is fun and I think makes us notice birds we might not have seen other days. I'm glad it was so fun for you!
I wish I had a kids and pets setting! You obviously have mastered it! :)

Corner Gardener Sue said...

You have a nice assortment of birds. I love the colors on the first bird you showed.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: I was waiting for a separate header post. I thought your header was neat but I haven't ever hear of that picture.

Tom said...

Hi Darla...
I must have pressed something wrong as I thought I'd alreay commented...

Anyhow it was very interesting reading about all the birds you get to see... I should think that attracting Hummers would be very rewarding.... Jane loves these little beauties and would be over the moon if we had them over here.
We take part in a similar bird count each spring for the R.S.P.B.
Last year I followed some advice from them and started to attract garden friendly insects to our small patch of garden, and the very rough field behind our house... The insects help in the garden, and provide food for wildlife and of course the birds.
We have had a lot of trouble with slugs for years, we stopped using slug pellets years ago... and I made small piles of logs at the back of our garden... these became home to a family of hedgehogs and they love slugs and snails..
There som food recipes on this site you might find of interest

HEADER Challenge
Excellent picture and what a good choice for you.... love the daffs, cannot wait to see them popping up over here.

P.S. never mind about the links...

Robin Beck said...

♫♪annnnd a partridge in a pear tree!♫♪ I love your count-I tried to sing it to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas! Yes, I am a dork. :)

You really had some major birds and major counting to do, you did a wonderful job and I have enjoyed all the pictures SO MUCH!


Susie said...

Love that sweet little bluebird!

Skeeter said...

Your bird list looks similar to what mine would be if I took a count. We are surrounded by woods so the birds love our yard and also the treats we share with them....

Today I am thankful for the most beautiful sunny skies!

Lona said...

Hi Darla,
I have been enjoying your pictures of the Blue birds so much. I have two houses now maybe we will get more this spring. I have not saw any different birds this winter and that is a disappointment. I figured with all of the snow cover their would be many new ones visiting our feeders.Since it looks like the snow is going to be here for quite a while maybe some will come yet.

George said...

It sounds as if you had a very successful bird count weekend. We've enjoyed the birds at our feeders, but we don't have quite the variety you do.

Ginger said...

Wasn't the count fun?! I'm already looking forward to next year.

You had a huge variety of birds!

Kathleen Scott said...

Wow! You've got bird traffic. How much fun to see so many birds in your own yard!

That's a huge # of brown-headed cowbirds. I didn't know they flocked. I'm a bird-lover but we chase the cowbirds away in summer (yeah, right, like they actually leave). I don't want them laying eggs in the painted bunting nests.

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