Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bloomin' Tuesday...

Finally I made it back to Bloomin' Tuesday over at http://msgreenthumbjean.blogspot.com ! Drop by and join the party.

Can you say, 'mess'...that's exactly what I have here. Deadheading the Crapes have paid off with continuous blooms.
Lord Baltimore Hibiscus

Obedient Plant has decided to bloom...
This is becoming my favorite Zinnia right now.
I can't decide what color this is though....
Loofa vines keep on blooming, I hope that means a lot of sponges...they are supposed to be filled with seeds. If so, I'll be happy to share.
This is the same Loofah I posted in my last post, second photo. It has grown quite a bit in 4 days.

School is back in session and everyone is happy about that. Wedding plans are in full swing, I did get all the invitations mailed, WHEW! My hand and wrist is improving, slowly but steady. I do not have RDS, they kept me in the brace too long so now all of my tendons are very tight. There are 9 tendons coming from your fingers and thumb into your wrist, so I have a lot of stretching to do to get back full range of motion. Funny how surgery on the elbow, which is almost completely back to normal, can aggravate your wrist and hand...


Today I am Thankful that life is getting back to some sort of 'normal' schedule...(whatever normal is)


Dorothy said...

Your flowers are GLORIOUS! Love that deep rose zinnia! Well, ALL of them are so pretty, it's hard to pick a favorite!
So glad you are getting better! Hope you will post some about the wedding later. Blessings!

tina said...

Good morning, So glad things are getting back to normal and the kids are back in school. Always a bittersweet time. Your hibiscus-wow!

Dave@TheHomeGarden said...

The garden looks great especially the zinnias! I'm glad you're able to use your hand better. All those invitations would wear out anyone's wrist I think!

Racquel said...

Bet you are glad to get back into the garden Darla. Your Crepes look very happy & pretty. I use to deadhead mine until the tree got so tall, lol. That shade of fushia pink Zinnia is gorgeous! :)

Susie said...

I don't think the first pic looks like a mess. I think it looks great Darla.

Hope full range of motion returns to normal as soon as possible.

Karen said...

Gosh, your garden is lovely! I wish mine looked half as good. Your hibiscus is beautiful, love the color and the huge size. Is the zinnia by any chance Magellan Coral? I grew those from seed two years ago and loved the color too.

I'm glad to hear you are healing-it's so hard to have an injury and not be able to get everything done the way we'd like, isn't it? Try not to work toooo hard!!

Patsy said...

Your garden looks good and glad things are going well.

Dani said...

So glad to hear your getting better!xoxo

Anonymous said...

Mess? What mess? Looks good to me! Especially for someone who's been busy with so much else, plus laid up from surgery. I think you've done exceptionally well and your flowers look beautiful. I hope ya get lots of little spongies too. ;-)

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

You still have summer Darla! Color, color, color! I love your loofah too. I have your hand will be OK soon!

Amy said...

Beautiful garden! Our kids started back to school yesterday and we are all glad, too. :) I'm going to go outside and deadhead my crapes, now. :)

Deb said...

beautiful flowers...my zinnias are all gone...just too hot and dry for them...glad your recovering..

Becca's Dirt said...

Glad things are getting back to some sort of normalcy. Your gardens certainly do not show any signs of neglect at all. They are still just as stunning as ever. Love the hibuscus. I am loving that zinnia too and also the yellow one. I'll be lookig for those colors next year.

Alea Milham said...

Love that bright, cheery zinnia! I hope that you quickly regain your range of motion in your wrist and hand!

RURAL said...

Keep stretching, things are improving for you, and thats good news.

Lovely colors in your flowers.


Lona said...

Hi Darla. Girl your Mailbox bed is still looking so pretty. Don't you just love your Lord Baltimore and those giant blooms. Mine is getting some more blooms now.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Your garden is still doing great. Love those loofahs! Hope your hand loosens up soon. My husband used those stress balls to squeeze and his physical therapist gave him silly putty to play with. Fun.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Darla, Your flowers are gorgeous --as usual... Love the Zinnias this time of year!!!! Neat!

Glad your arm/wrist/hand is doing better... Glad school has started --and GLAD that the wedding plans are going fine!!!!! Sounds like LIFE is GOOD.


Kimberly said...

Hi, Darla. Your hibiscus are gorgeous! Love them! And the Loofa is awesome!
Hope your wrist/elbow are 100% SOON!!
PS - my kids went back yesterday. Whew!!

NanaK said...

My goodness you are one busy lady! School children, wedding plans, elbow and wrist issues...life! I think your garden is lush and lovely.

Jean said...

I love your 'mess'!lol! Glad to have you back. I'm sure you'll do enough gardening to loosen those tendons! Jean

imac said...

Im sure you will be able to relax soon Darla, then you will take a deep breath and enjoy some me time.
I hope alls well with your arm too.

Floridagirl said...

That does not look like a mess at all to me! You have a beautiful garden! I grew obedient plant and 'Lord Baltimore' in my old Zone 7 garden. Brings back memories. Hope you get back full use of your hand and wrist. Can't imagine doing invitations in that condition!

Robin Beck said...

So glad you are getting things worked out on your wrist!
Your yard looks wonderful Darla-The hard work is paying off!
We won't be back on a normal schedule until Sept 7th-I look forward to a little normal/boring in my life!


Julie said...

Hey Darla! So happy to hear your elbow is good, and you just have to work out the wrist now...wonderful news. The color of that zinnia is called A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I don't see a mess, it looks full of flowers and very pretty to me! I'm looking forward to seeing how the loofahs look.
The kids start back next week, all of a sudden summer seems to have flown by.

George said...

I'm glad to hear that your hand and wrist are improving. Hopefully now that school is back in session and the invitations have been mailed, you'll have more time to get into your gardens which should do wonders for your arm and general well-being.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Your flowers are beautiful,as usual.I guess I was one who thought that the Loofah came from the ocean.I have no idea where this came from,just my imagination,I guess.
I do hope your hand will soon return to normal.

teresa said...

Your garden looks wonderful. I love those lord baltimore hibiscus. I have gotten some for my yard and they are such a prize. Glad you are feeling better. weddings are so much work, but so worth it.

Laurie and Chris said...

Everything looks great to me. =)

scottweberpdx said...

That's not a mess at all! What's that grass in front of the Crepe Myrtle?

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I didn't know that deadheading Crepes would encourage them to bloom more. Hmmmm I will try this next year when it isn't so dry.

Anonymous said...

Normal is a setting on the dryer.

I'm glad you're slowly returning to normal although I'd be gladder if it weren't slowly. :)

Interestingly my Obedient Plant finally has buds. Love that zinnia. The color, whatever it is, is delightful.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Glad your elbow is doing well. It won't be long before you wrist and hand will be too.
I can't wait to see how those loofah sponges turn out.
I many just want to be on the loofah list, too.