Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fertilizer Friday -- Loofahs!!

I am so behind on my blog posting/reading....wedding stuff, back to school stuff and computer issues...whew! Hopefully things will be calming down next week. Here's a small BUT exciting contribution to FF over at http://tootsietime.blogspot.com

My garden Cherub in some Asparagus Fern.
There really is a wheel barrow under there, see the legs?
NOW, the exciting part....I have baby Loofahs!! I do hope they hold on until the first frost.
See it right behind the fading bloom? Most people believe that Loofahs come from the sea, it's a vegetable. The Spelling of Loofah varies from person to person. They need a long growing season and some water from time to time.
I planted them at the base of some trees, the one on the pine tree in the back is probably upwards of 20 ft or so.
I also planted a couple on the lattice.

Hope you will join me in watching the Loofahs grow! I'll be around to visit later, orientations today.


Today I am Thankful that school begins on Monday!


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

How neat to grow your own loofahs.

Whatever you do, DON'T plant asparagus ferns in your gardens. They take over everything by sending out little tubers and are horrible to try to get rid of, not to mention their nasty little thorns. They are pretty though, I've had them for years. :-) Been trying to get rid of them for years too.

Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

Dani said...

Ours starts on Tues! Had 4th grade open house last night. Gah! Time just flies...

Meems said...

Sharing your excitement about the Loofahs. I'm saying Amen to FlowerLady on the asparagus ferns... they are pretty but not when they take over and they will do that down here... maybe not so much up there in the 'north'.

Here's to you getting completely well and a wonderful school year for your children and best wishes on your daughter's wedding.

Racquel said...

Hooray for baby Loofahs! Hope things calm down for you soon Darla, but it must be exciting planning your daughter's wedding. :)

NanaK said...

Hooray for the loofahs! You'll be enjoying a bubble bath and loofah scrub sooner than you think.

Ewa said...

wheel barrow you say - right? shall we believe you :)
cross my fingers for the wedding and biiiig congratulations.

tina said...

Really really neat!

Susie said...

Loofah vine looks like squash. Bet they are related.

Hope you have a great weekend Darla!

Shelley said...

How nice to have those loofahs! I didn't realize they didn't come from the sea. Love your little cherub too - looks great in a garden!

Dave@TheHomeGarden said...

Very cool! I wonder how well the loofahs would do here in TN? School here has been in session for two weeks now - busy times!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

What wheelbarrel? :-)
Yea, baby Loofahs!!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'm sure the wedding will be gorgeous.. Will the wedding be in your gorgeous yard???? That would be a fabulous place to get married.

I've never heard of Loofahs... SO--I'm learning from you... Thanks for sharing, Darla, and good luck with the wedding planning.

We have a gorgeous, COOL morning up here (64 degrees)... First in a LONG time... yeah!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Becca's Dirt said...

I know you are ready for some time alone to complete some projects. It is a lot of work doing a wedding. If I were near by I would love to help. School here as been for 2 wks.

Karen said...

I didn't know loofah was a gourd-like plant either; something else to plan for next year's garden. And a good head's up on the asparagus ferns, didn't know they would grow outside either, but this is Wisconsin, not much grows outside, ha.

Every time I visit someone's garden, I learn something new. Tech college started yesterday for our youngest, but public schools here now wait until after Labor Day (but they don't get out until the first week of June).

Beautiful garden, thank you!!

Dorothy said...

Like many others, I thought that loofahs grew in the ocean!! Will be watching them grow! Thinking of you as you get ready for the wedding, etc.

Ami said...

Darla: Congrutulations on your loofahs! Just so you know, Loofahs are very popular veggies on the table in China. You can eat them when they are young and tender, with skin removed, and stir fry them with garlic, or put them into some tasty soup!

Of course, you also can use the loofahs as natural scrub when they dry up on the plant.

Have a good wedding!

Here, school starts next monday as well !

George said...

Your loofahs certainly look healthy and I hope they last until frost. I hope the wedding planning is coming along nicely, school is off to a good start and your computer issues are a thing of the past.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen loofahs either except I think in your garden once. Love what you have in your wheelbarrow. I decided to change mine the other day as it just isn't looking good. Now what to put in it.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Well isn't that interesting. We use loofahs but had no idea where they came from. Thanks for showing us yours.

Kaye Swain - SandwichINK Real Estate Info for the Sandwich Generation said...

How cool! By loofahs, do you mean the sponges? In any case, I'm looking forward to seeing how they grow along with other lovely flowers in your landscaping designs. :)

xinex said...

That loofah is so cute. I know it will get long and heavy. We used to grow them. Love your cherub!..Christine

Twisted Fencepost said...

How cool!
I will definitely be around to watch the loofah's grow.
I didn't know they were a vegetable. By the looks of the bloom I think they are from the squash family.

RURAL said...

Totally cool, can't wait to see them when you harvest them.


Noelle Johnson said...

Hi Darla,

I had no idea about loofahs....I learn something new all the time. I hope the wedding planning is going well :-)

Suzy said...

I've grown them before and its such fun! They always remind me of my grandmother who grew them too. Have fun with them!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the birth of your first Loofa/lufa/?. It all depends on how you sign the birth certificate, LOL. I look forward to regular updates. I've never grown loofas so this should be fun. If it didn't hurt so much I'd tell you to pat yourself on the back for a job well begun. :)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Darla .. Grace sent me over here : )
I love seeing the loofah vine they are humongous !! and it will be so interesting to see it develop to an actual loofah ! .. yes, a lot of people think they are related to sea sponges .. funny : )

deb said...

Yay baby Loofahs!! Anxious to watch their development.

Yes, very exciting time...planning a wedding! I'm very lucky the bride is including me is so much of it...I'm the grooms mom.

Hoping things calm down for you...seems thats the way of life these days tho..not enough hours in the day!

Robin Beck said...

That's it...I'm growing those next year! That is the coolest plant ever! I'm so glad you are sharing all your gardening details...I didn't get to garden this year and missed it so much...I'm living my garden life though you!


Gail said...

I have never seen loofahs in a garden this is way cool! Sending ((you)) hugs, gail

Tootsie said...

oh girl!! I am so excited!!! Look at that loofah!!!! wooo hoo!!! good thing I didn't plant all my seeds...cuz the ones I did plant didn't make it...I think it might have gotten way too hot in the greenhouse for them...and they just gave up...going to plant again in a few weeks and try to do it right this time!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: Very nice, it's hard to think about a frost when your so hot.

Stacie Shepp said...

Darla. That is gerat that you can grow your own loofahs! Great photos :) I was visiting your site because I wanted to invite you to join our new social network for gardeners, YourGardenShow.com

Let me know if you set up a garden and I'll check it out.
