Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fertilizer Friday --

It's time for FF over at http://tootsietime.blogspot.com drop by and see beautiful plants from around the world.

Mexican Sunflower
Night blooming Datura

Couldn't resist this little Dragonfly on the sun loving Coleus.
Lord Baltimore Hibiscus at the end of the day.......I know how he feels!

Glorybower is blooming again.
Rose of Sharon is still going strong.
Like I said before, you never know what the tall Celosia will do.

See all of that black..........SEEDS!!!

A couple of updates. Yes, those are seed packets for the wedding that I am making in the last post. Yes, I messed up 50 something invitations while printing them. Yes, it's all better now.

Yes, my elbow is better from the surgery in June...BUT I now have RDS in my wrist and hand. What's that you ask...Nerve damage...not fun at all. My wrist will only move so far either way, it hurts more than the surgery did on my elbow. It's still swollen, begin therapy on Tuesday for it...in 4 weeks if it's not better I get to have a shot in my neck to tell the central nervous system that it's okay....


Today I am Thankful for the love and encouragement from family and blogging friends...


Ami said...

Darla: Your flowers are so beautiful. Love that glorybower! The RDS in your wrist and hands sounds terrible. Sorry to hear that, hope the therapy can make it better to avoid that shot!

Teresa said...

All of your flowers are so beautiful. sorry about the wrist and elbow. Sounds like you have had a rough go at things for a while. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing for you and the wedding plans. Weddings are so fun to plan....when they are over.;)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Darla, Sorry to hear about your latest problem... Nerve damage in the wrist is not good... Hope you can get it fixed soon... I am so sorry for what you are going through, especially since you have an upcoming wedding in the family.

Your flowers are gorgeous as usual... Love the Lord Baltimore Hibiscus. And that Celosia is amazing...

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Oh no,not more pain after all that.I do pray that it will subside quickly.

Julie said...

Dear Darla...I am so sorry you are having this complication from your surgery! I pray it will go AWAY ASAP!!! Your flowers are gorgeous! It is so neat that you are planning your daughters wedding! Best wishes with all of that!!! Have as much fun as your can!!

deb said...

Your flowers are so beautiful!
Sure hope the therapy works and the pain leaves!

Erin said...

Your flowers are lovely, but I'm sorry you're suffering physical issues...what a bummer!

Bren Haas said...

Some garden blogs I have watched are stressing this time of hear but I think the blooms are amazing this time of year. YOUR shares today hold up to that comment - beautiful garden and all your hard work this summer truly shows in this images.

Happy Weekend to you dear Garden Girly!

L. D. said...

Your flowers are wonderful. I hope that it all gets better. I have rickety fingers that get better when I am not noticing. It is hard to loose the flexibility. Take care.

BernieH said...

Lots of lovely flowers ... I can't believe we've both posted Celosia and Hibiscus! Your tall Celosia is quite lovely! I think you'd better take good care of yourself ... no more accidents ... it's not much longer to keep it together!

Linda said...

beautiful blooms from your garden,
wishing everyone in the wedding a wonderful day

Susan said...

Good Morning, Darla,

First of all, congrats on being the first one to enter in their post for Fertilizer Friday. ;-) I saw your post to Tootsie and had a good laugh about your opening line.

I'm sorry to hear that you have had elbow surgery and now you have nerve damage in your hand. That really stinks. I hope very much so that it gets better on it's own very, very quickly.

Now for your flowers, gorgeous. I love your photos. I love the moonflowers, and the Mexican Sunflower is so beautiful and vibrant. I really like that deep orange.

What is the Latin name for Glorybower if you have the time. I would like to find out if I can grow it here and it's difficult to find flowers from region to region without knowing the Latin names. Thank you. I know you're super busy, so if you don't get around to it, not a biggie. I'll bug you later in the year for the name. ;-)

I hope everything goes smoothly for you and you feel better soon,

Racquel said...

Beautiful blooms, did you finally get some rain? That's a great idea putting the seed packets with the invitations. :)

Susie said...

Darla I'm so sorry to hear about your wrist. Hope the therapy helps.

Love your flowers. They look great!

tina said...

Cool Josephs Coat and celosia! You have a great weekend.

Dani said...

I'm so sorry about the nerve damage. I pray that it will all get better for you.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Lots of pretty pinks in your garden. Hope the wrist gets better soon. Nerve damage takes a while. I still get odd tingles and stuff in my right upper arm from 5 years ago. Take care!!!!

Dorothy said...

Dear Darla, Please take it easy! I know you're not going to, but DO ease up on doing so much!!! You have so much going, I pray that you will have the strength and stamina to get through all that you have to do. Prayers & Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Great blooms as always. That Celosia is something - wish it wasn't an annual here.
Good luck with your wrist problems - hoping it will be better with therapy.

Kimberly said...

Hi, Darla! Your flowers are gorgeous...love the cockscomb! Bummer to hear about the nerve damage and therapy...hoping you'll recover quickly 100%!
I've also joined FF (first time)..very fun!

RURAL said...

Darla, so sorry....now if it's not one body part, it's another.

Sounds very painful, cortisone? I need to get them in my shoulder, my heart goes out to you.

Your flowers are beauty incarnate.


Floridagirl said...

Your flowers are so beautiful and surely must brighten your day. Love that celosia! I saw some on Bernie's blog this morning as well. It's a sign, I think.... My sister and I have both tried to grow Hibiscus moscheutos, but it never returns. I had beautiful specimens in Atlanta. I'm thinking it doesn't like something about our climate down here. I don't see them in gardens, but they do sell them at our garden centers every year. Hmmm....

I couldn't help but wince when I read that 50 invitations were lost in printing. I printed my son's invitations and screwed up about 20 right off the bat. Then I printed 25 perfect beauties, and DIL changed the wedding time! Ugh. Fortunately, I had not gotten 'round to printing the whole shebang, and she had ordered 50 extra. I just hadn't planned to use the spares up so quickly. I loved your seed packet idea for the wedding favors! Your project spread around the table reminded me of our wedding favor project just two months ago. Lots of work and I too was grateful for helping hands! Hope you recover quickly and the rest of your wedding planning goes smoothly!

Becca's Dirt said...

You poor thing. I hate that you are having such a difficult time. I hope that the therapy will help. Beautiful blooms.

I bet everyone will be happy to get flower seeds to remember the wedding. Take your time in preparations so that you can enjoy the process too. I know it's a lot of work but you need to enjoy it. Hope that arm and wrist will be feeling better soon. I'm praying for you Darla.

Patsy said...

Fall will be here soon and you will feel much better
I hope. Flowers are lovely as always.

Robin Beck said...

Well we are just going to have to pray that all heals up! Nobody wants a shot in the neck now do they?

Have a great weekend, the seed packets look wonderful!


Twisted Fencepost said...

I planted some of those Mexican sunflowers this year. Pretty aren't they? In no way do they replace the giant sunflowers, but they do make a great accent to them.
Glad your elbow is better. Sorry the wrist is giving you troubles!!
I sure hope that therapy works. No shots! No shots!

Beth said...

The seed packets are a great idea, Darla! You are giving your daughter a dream wedding for sure! Sorry about your wrist and elbow and good luck & prayers. The celosia and datura are awesome. Take care and God bless.

Lona said...

Oh no, not more pain.Now that wrist needs to just straighten up.I hope the therapy works and you do not have to have any shots.
You will be worn out for the wedding.Your seed packets were such a wonderful idea.
The Glory Bower is just so pretty Darla.
Have a wonderful weekend!

NanaK said...

So sorry to hear about your wrist problems added to the elbow problems. I'm sure that makes it hard to work on wedding decorations.

Your garden is doing well though. Thanks for the info on the Celosia. I finally quit cutting mine and now it's blooming. The cuttings are blooming too! But mine is just regular old spikes not all the craziness of yours. Mexican Sunflowers are the best butterfly attractors aren't they? Thanks for sharing your flowers.

Tootsie said...

lady...you never stop wowing me in your garden! I love today's flaunt...and to think you still do all you do in spite of the surgery and all the pain you are having with your wrist! I hope things work properly and painlessly for you soon!
I hope the wedding is coming together with as little upsets as possible!

George said...

I'm sorry to hear about your wrist. I hope the therapy helps. Your garden is as beautiful as ever in spite of the heat. I must admit I can relate to your Lord Baltimore Hibiscus in this weather.

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Darla,
I LOVE all your beautiful flowers!
I hurt my back and I haven't been able to do any gardening...sniff..
I will just sit and stare at yours!
Hugs, Ann

Suzy said...

You've got some beautiful things blooming even in the height of summer. Love the dragonfly.

imac said...

Beautiful photos and colours Darla, and love that header too.

Val said...

You never cease to amaze me. Do you have flowers all year long? I hope I did the right thing buying more storage for my pictures. We will see. I hope you feel better soon. I am way behind on reading blogs. I hope the therapy works.I have been dealing with vertigo this past week. I hate having to slow down. I loved your last post with the wedding favors. They are so beautiful. That is so smart.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Darla,
I'm sorry you are experiencing pain. Yours sounds worse than mine. I am getting some relief from my jaw pain by eating first, a no chew, and now a very soft food diet. I go see a TMJD specialist the 25th. He's a professor at our university's dental college. I hope yours gets better soon.

I enjoyed all your blooms. Those celosias are cool looking. My Mexican sunflower hasn't bloomed yet. It was full of flowers this time last year. I don't think I've seen those pink blooms that remind me of milkweed blooms before. I sure like those. I bet they don't grow here in zone 5. The daturas do though!

Have fun with wedding stuff!

Rusty in Miami said...

The flowers are beautiful, specially the Mexican sunflower, I hope you get well soon

Unknown said...

You truly do have beautiful flowers growing there. That hibiscus is stunning isn't it.

marmee said...


sounds like your plate is extra full. congrats on your daughter getting married...planning a wedding is all comsuming...so get some rest.
i am sorry to hear of your health issues...what a bother to have these things going wrong. i do hope you will be able to enjoy your upcoming days before the wedding takes place.
happy summer days.

Skeeter said...

I love that Celosia! When I was floral crafting while living in Germany, I had my MIL sent me dried plants. Celosia was in the mix and seeds were falling out of them. I planted the seeds in some planters I had on the Balcony and they were wonderful. I planted some in my yard this year from store bought seedlings and they flopped on me! I was so disappointed. Your celosia sure looks happy!

So sorry to hear of your pains and not good timing with the wedding and all. Sigh…