Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fertilizer Friday

Last day of the first week of school...It's time to join http://tootsietime.blogspot.com and flaunt what's left in your gardens at the end of summer.

I believe this loofah is just about ready to pick, peel, shake and let dry. I have been reading up on how to harvest the sponges, will show you step by step when I get ready to try it.
This was such a drab dark area, we know that Ornamental Potato Vine brightens up an area and quickly.
Narrow Leaf Zinnia, Angelonia and Sun Loving Coleus
Some distorted Celosia
that doesn't like being confined.
The Torenia (wishbone) and Pom pom Zinnias don't care much for confinement either. I can't believe they are growing on our driveway, it gets so hot you can't walk on it barefoot.
I have Creeping Jenny in the container sitting in the chair, it's wrapped around the back of the chair and growing on the ground in front. I added a clearance Clematis to the back a month or so ago and it's growing on the back of the chair as well.
Hubby's old work boots..

Where in the world did the leaves in the middle go? Brugmansia
This is the most blooms I have had at one time on the Lord Baltimore.


Today I am Thankful that our first week of school has been successful.


Dani said...

It was a good back to school week for us too. :)

tina said...

Looking forward to seeing those loofahs!

Ami said...

Lovely! Those ornamental sweet potato leaves do grow fast! And they are pretty too! Your pom pom zinnias are gorgeous.

Love the succulent trailing out of your hubby's old work boots, good use of those boots!

Jan said...

Hi Darla,
Wow...gorgeous is just one word that comes to mind! Don't know a thing about Loofah's...will try to come back to learn more! Love how your zinnia's have spread out...they just thrive in the heat, don't they?! Clever and creative 'boot' decor- love it!

Unknown said...

Beautiful garden, can't wait to see the loofahs! Cute touch with hubbys boots. Thanks for sharing and for visiting.

Debbie said...

Everything is looking good. I love those old boots. I was mad at my husband because he threw away a perfectly good pair of very used boots....dang!

NanaK said...

Your late summer garden is looking great, not tired at all. The boots are so cute.

Susie said...

I really like those boots with the sedum Darla. That looks great!

Dorothy said...

Ditto to what Susie said. You still have some beautiful plants and flowers! Those loofahs are interesting and I'm eager to see how they turn out.

Val said...

Oh I love seeing these zinnias and the loofahs! We are in a hotel right now out of town and I looked out and saw a plant and came here to your blog to find the name of it...Brugmansia!! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Our first day of school is this coming Tuesday.

Amy said...

The back of a chair...what a great idea! I'm going to have to find a chair, now. :) very clever!

Randy said...

Darla, I love the boots! You know, our Brugmansia hasn't done a thing this year. It's usually about 7 feet tall and it's barely three this year.-- Randy

Julie said...

The loofahs are so cool...can't wait to see them!!! Love your succulent boots, of course!!!!! Really neat!!!

Dave@TheHomeGarden said...

It all looks great! And I do sleep ...sometimes!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Oh how I would like to take a walk through your flower gardens.I am waiting to see how the Loofah turns out.Have a great weekend.

Lanny said...

Hey, love the photo of your brug.

Nancy's Notes said...

What a beautiful garden!! That is the cutest boot planter ever! Great post!


Anonymous said...

Lord Baltimore looking real good. Nice selection of flowers you got.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful flowers, Darla... Have you ever planted Caladium? They are so pretty--but we can't grow them here. Think the ground is too cool in early spring. SO--I'll stick to my Hostas...

Glad the first week of school went well.

Headed to the Smokies today!!!! Yeah!

Twisted Fencepost said...

I'm curious about that ornamental potato vine. Is that from seed or do you plant it like planting potatoes (with part of the potato with the eye)? If it's part of the potato, where do you find those?

Anonymous said...

Hey Darla you have a chair back too - thanks for the idea. I had ivy on mine but it wasn't that hardy so I need something else. Maybe your Brugmansia thinks it's a 'Naked Lady' with no leaves. Ha!
I finally got some shoes to plant in. Kept looking for old beaters at garage sales and couldn't find anything but nice ones then remembered all the old beaters I have right here at home. Imagine that.
I don't know if you went back and looked but I did comment that I will try to get seeds from the Malva for us. I'm hoping she re seeds everywhere.

siteseer said...

your plants are beautiful. Love the boots and can't wait to see the tutorial with the loofah.

Karen said...

Hi Darla, now what a cool idea to plant a chair with twining plants, I love it! The loofah sure made a lot of progress in a few days, didn't it? I'm really looking forward to harvest-time and your tutorial. My husband and sons all have old work boots, I should plant some up, yours are adorable. Love your garden look forward to each new post.

Lona said...

Hi Darla. That sweet potato vine was just what that spot needed. I love your boot succulent garden. How cute is that. It is hard to believe that school has started. Where is summer going to?
Have a wonderful weekend.

agreenearth said...

What a special garden you have and love seeing the creation of your loofahs.

Thank you for your question on my post. The food scraps I dig back into my soil are from my vegetables, all raw such as peelings, stalks, seeds, bits I can't eat etc, nothing wasted, all back to the soil and also eggshells. I do not put cooked or processed food or oils into my soil.

deb said...

Your garden is so pretty! Anxious to follow your progress on the loofah...it's a good size one. Loving the planted boots too!

Alison said...

Love that brug, and the Lord Baltimore hibiscus. I have three brug cuttings, I was hoping they would take off some when we finally got a bit of heat here in the PNW, but they are still tiny. Yours is so pretty. Ah well, maybe some day mine will get big enough to bloom.

Racquel said...

Glad you guys had a good first week of school. We don't start here until after Labor Day. Beautiful blooms this week, my garden is winding down a bit especially the veggies. Have a nice weekend. :)

Linda May said...

G'day I haven't been for a look for a while. I lost heart due to our winter, but things are beginning to brighten up now. I am not back in Flaunt your flowers yet, but soon, soon. Am pruning roses and watching narcissus opening here now.
Lovely pictures and flowers at your house now aren't there.

LifeRamblings said...

you've such a beautiful backyard. the loofah looks interesting and love the boots too. thanks for visiting.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

These are beautiful flowers! I love those coleus blooms!

George said...

It may be the end of summer, but your gardens are still beautiful.

imac said...

Beautiful and love the boot flower pots.

MIL doing well thanks Darla, she's visiting up this way next week.

Robin Beck said...

I just love the whole look of the loofah plant-I'm looking forward to learning the process as you go!
Have a great weekend Darla!

Dirty Girl Gardening said...

Love the shoe garden!

Maureen said...

Oh your brug is a beautiful color. I am still waiting for blooms on mine.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Your garden is still going strong! I love the picture of the zinnia, angelonia and coleus. I'm anxious to see how the loofahs turn out!
School starts for my oldest next week...Junior high!!

Jennifer@threedogsinagarden said...

Love the work boots filled with sedum.

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla Dear, Nice post! I love Hubby's boots planted with sedum and the bargain Clemmie growing up the wire chair--too cool, too cool!

I can't believe how quickly the loofah has gone from nothing to something. I'll be one of your fans watching your progress in its afterlife.

Shelley said...

I loved how you used those work boots - everything looks beautiful as always!!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Darla girl here I am again ?! LOL
I love the work boots planting .. there are so many ways to plant sedums like that .. and it looks so great : ) I have gold creeping jenny that acts like a living mulch for a lot of my plants .. i have to keep an eye on it though because it can be very naughty ! haha .. I love the sweet potato vine and was floored mine threw flowers this year .. I have NEVER see that before .. just goes to show you no matter how long we garden.. there is always something that will surprise you ! LOL
PS .. good luck with that back to school thing girl : )

Becca's Dirt said...

Lord Baltimore is beautiful. I am still loving the boots and the plants look so healthy.

betty-NZ said...

Lovely shots of all your blooms!