Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Monday, September 27, 2010

I Heard a Collective Sigh of Relief..

From my plants and grass...we received 3/10 of an inch of rain on Saturday and 4/10 of an inch on Sunday...this morning about 3 the sound of rain woke me pounding on the roof. Suppose to rain all day with some thunderboomers....(the gray color is rain)
Watching the rain was soothing as it was a nice soak in the ground type of rain...perfect for gardens and grass.
I like the way things look after it rains.


Today I am Thankful for the rain.


Dani said...

I love a good rain! Nice having all the rain barrels full too.

Dorothy said...

Hi Darla,
I'm glad you got some rain on your pretty yard! It was raining a little bit when we went to bed last night. We need lots of it as our grass was brown and crunchy.

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh, nothing more soothing that sitting and watching it rain! I am so happy you got some!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Glad you've been getting some rain Darla. We were supposed to get some yesterday but never did. We're south of you so were going to be missing what you are getting.

Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hi Darla .. I was just over at carol's reading her lynx adventure and wow ! those pictures were amazing weren't they ?
Glad you finally got rain there : ) I love the smell after the rain .. so fresh and wonderful : )
Great pictures of it coming down too!

Gail said...

I am so glad you got rain! It's been a rough summer for the southeast! gail

fuat gencal said...

Paylaşım için teşekkürler.
(http://gencalsabahattin.blogspot.com 'da maklubeyi yayınladım.)


tina said...

I am SO happy you got rain!!

Susie said...

Glad you are getting some rain Darla. We only got a drop or two. It's just way too dry here.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Me, too!! It's still raining here.
Slow and steady. That's the best kind of rain. Supposed to rain all day.
And the cooler temps are welcome also.

Dave@TheHomeGarden said...

I hope a little of that is headed our way! We got 2 tenths this weekend - not nearly enough but a start at least.

Floridagirl said...

Finally! So glad the rain has found your garden at last! We had a bit of rain this weekend too, which was nice, as this area had become a bit droughty in September.

Anonymous said...

Glad you finally got some rain, I know it's been miserably hot and dry there. When I lived in Fairbanks, Alaska it was either hot in the summer and snowy or freezing cold in the winter. I never thought I'd miss the Washington rain but found that I did. One day we had some, it was my day off and I pulled a chair up to the window and loved watching it. Now that's one sick puppy! LOL

George said...

I'm glad you got some rain -- we could use some up here as well. But at least it is now cooler.

Lois said...

It sure made for some good sleeping weather too!

Racquel said...

We got some rain last night too Darla! (about 1") Congrats! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Darla, I'm catching up today--trying to... ha.... Anyhow I'm glad that you all got the rain... We have had clouds for two days-but no rain here. And we need it like you did....

Beautiful flowers --all of them...And I'm sure they love the RAIN even more than you do!!!!

Amy said...

We have had some relief, too! It is so nice this morning. I even put on a jacket...because I could! Your garden under the tree is beautiful. This may seem like a "dah" question...but what is the tube with the water holes... does it connect to your down spout? I think I need one if it does.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Enjoy the rain!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Our prayers have been answered, Darla Dear! Ah, the beauty of good ole fashioned rain! I can practically hear your plants drinking it in.

Nice cabinet in that first photo. Did you spray paint it green? Love that color!

Becca's Dirt said...

I got some much needed moisture from the skies too. My gardens just perked up too.

sweetbay said...

My plants are breathing a collective sigh of relief too! We've gotten 3.4" so far with more to come.

Missy said...

We don't get much rain here, but when we do it's an all out event for many people! I personally prefer to enjoy the rain from inside. :)

Lona said...

Glad you got some rain and I bet your plants are happy about the rain too. I wish we would have gotten a good rain. It is all around us but we only got enough here to wet the top of the ground. If the sun co,es out it will all be dry again. I use to love to hear the rain on the old tin roof we use to have.Especially at night. It would put me right to sleep.

Unknown said...

I love the rain! I think I could live in the Northwest because of all the rain and how things grow there.
Thanks for stopping at my blog!
Enjoy your Monday night,

Patsy said...

I think that sec picture was so cool and restful looking. Sure glad you got rain we are still looking for some.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Your weather sounds perfect! I bet your plants were happy. I'm ready for some sun around here, we've seen very little of it this year.