Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cottage Flora Thursday

Linking up to http://fishtailcottage.blogspot.com for Cottage Flora Thursday. Grace, here is a hint of something that might be in the package.... When I did the collage of our blooming fruit trees I forgot to include our Navel Orange Tree.

Hey, Garden Fairies do ya'll know how this Dahlia got here? I seriously do not have a clue. I planted Dahlia seeds in peat pots and then planted the pots. This one is NOT in a pot.
She has no idea how close she came to getting yanked out of the soil when she was much smaller.
And the roses are doing quite nicely after the pruning and sprinkling of coffee grounds.

I got the greenhouse all cleaned up yesterday and planted more seeds--different types of Zinnias, Cosmos, Cucumber, Watermelon, Hibiscus, Nicotiana, Lavatera.....hopefully I will be planting mid season for late season color...do you stagger your plantings or do them all at once?


Today I am Thankful that I live in long growing season zone.


Laura said...

What beautiful photographs.
You have inspired me-
I am headed out to take some pictures of my blooming flowers!

Enjoyed visiting,

White Spray Paint

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

"Today I am Thankful that I live in long growing season zone." That is nice and I wish I did more and more. However, there is something nice about a sleeping garden covered in snow.

What a lucky dahlia that it was given a chance to show off!

Unknown said...

You're lucky to have such a long growing season. I guess ours isn't too bad on a good year but this year it's a rainy growing season and everything is behind. Yours looks great.

One said...

Beautiful red flowers. You have a red post today whereas I have a pink post. :)

Marsha said...

I love that fairy planted dahlia :) I just can't believe you have so much blooming in April. Everything is so gorgeous, ranunculus are one of my favorite blossoms with their delicate layers of petals, I wish they would grow here.

Deb said...

beautiful Darla...my Loofah goards are coming up..and so are the flowers...thank you for the seeds...

NanaK said...

More seeds starting? You are really getting good use out of that greenhouse. I usually start seeds in July for fall veggies but haven't really sown fall flower seeds. Love the dahlia. Mine didn't make it through the end of summer last year. I think it's too humid here.

Becca's Dirt said...

Gorgeous dahlia Darla - so glad you didn't pull up that baby. I have to try ranuculas again in my gardens. I love those delicate flowers. Last year when I did seeds I staggered with them. This year haven't done any seeds other than what I threw into the garden that we are currently identifying. I am plannin on getting me a greenhouse for next year. I'll see you in the next few weeks. I'll send you an email soon.

Skeeter said...

Poor Ms. Doris and her garden. It will pop back though and yes, grateful no one was harmed in this storm. Same one can through here and woke us up at 3 in the am. What a scary storm. Wal-Mart lost power for 5 hours and even with generator, they lost some perishables. We lost power for an hour or so and were lucky with loosing no trees. Trees down all around the county and state…

Don’t ya have a love hate relationship with mystery’s in the garden. You may never know the answer to how the flower got there. I vote a nice bird placing it there…

Unknown said...

Oh, Darla, you have a magic green thumb ... they are lovely!

I bought some new types of florals for my gardens, so anxious for the weather to be conducive to planting.

Have a beautiful weekend ~


Dirt Princess said...

I'm thinking the mystery dahlia involves 4 legs, brownish/grey fur, beady eyes, and a long bushy tail....

A squirrel probably dug one of the tubers up and moved it there. You know they can manage to find bulbs and tubers anywhere!!

Dar said...

Last years seed was transplanted by the wind most likely...and the big Guy in the Sky. Nice surprise tho.
Love stopping in for a peek at the colors in your gardens.

Twisted Fencepost said...

I'm so glad Miss Dahlia didn't get pulled out by her roots. She's very pretty.
I've always got something growing from spring to winter. And even sometimes in winter I'm experimenting with something or other.

George said...

The flora at your cottage is simply beautiful. I'm glad the dahlia didn't get yanked when it first showed up.
Did most of Ms. Doris' plants survive the storm? I'm hoping they did bounce back after the limbs were removed.

cherry said...

Well Miss Darla just look at all your pretty blooms and that Abutilon is stunning.. I'm off to see what I might have blooming even though I know I ain't got much going on just yet. I need to get my butt outside and get busy!

Kelsie from Our Country Home and Studio Photography said...

Loved seeing all your lovely flowers, seems the storm brought enough rain to make them happy for awhile...I hope Ms Doris is making some headway in her garden too.

I stagger planting my seedlings too, though mine if more because of a time issue than planned lol.

Blessings Kelsie

Egretta Wells blog said...

Beautiful Red flowers...I want to try ranuculas...do you think they would grow this far South. I just love them!

Patsy said...

You have never showm us orange's before and when do the grapefruit bloom?

Karen said...

Darla, love the red dahlia, what a beauty. We don't have your wonderfully long growing season, so no, we don't stagger our plantings. I would if I could, though. Those ranunculus (ranunculi?) are so beautiful.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Darla, I'm proud of you and the roses. Yours are doing GREAT... Can't wait til we get some blooms....It's probably be another month or more for us...

Your garden always looks great. That is one special Dahlia....ha

Anonymous said...

Ooh, goodie! The angel is too cute! Love your flowers. That abutilon is to die for and the dahlia is my favorite variety. I love the baby oranges too. You never see those up in my neck of the woods.

julefrokost said...

Really this is nice and beautiful garden because in garden different type flower and creative garden we can know that different type flower in garden. When we will use and connect in blogger then we can find different flower in garden.

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