Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bloomin' Tuesday...

Foxgloves are beginning to bloom. After three years in different areas of the gardens I believe they are putting down roots and should have some off spring in the near future.It's Bloomin' Tuesday over at http://msgreenthumbjean.blogspot.com/, she is celebrating three days in a row of sunshine....we on the other hand are praying for a little rain. We are way behind on our rainfall and yesterday it was 96 degrees fahrenheit, I guess that's about 35.3 celsius. It's currently 70 degrees at 6:17 a.m. Watering is becoming a balancing act in the gardens. Several of the Hydrangeas are setting buds and some are even beginning to blush.

My first Astilbe bud, ever..if you have any tips on these plants I would love for you to share. I am so tempted to pinch off this bud. Yes, I'm a pincher! I will sacrifice new blooms early in the season for bigger, stronger plants with blooms later in the season.

For those of you that love flowers in the Dianthus family, you should try Carnations from seed. They are very drought tolerant, love full sun, some shade and are cold hardy here. They also do well in containers.

Have a great Tuesday!


Today I am Thankful for a few new blooms.


Gail said...

Darla, I have never been a pincher, but, I might try it now~ Have a great day~ gail

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Darla girl ... I love pinching ! LOL
Some sort of satisfaction in it .. OK .. call me crazy ? Your plants are looking gorgeous !
I wanted to also say you encouraged me to join in with the photography contest .. I have never entered one before so I thought why the heck not? LOL .. I will be checking back to see how it progresses with wonderful pictures. Speaking about wonderful pictures, your header one is stunning with that amazing little creature !!
Joy : )

Anonymous said...

I admit I'm a pincher too, lol. It works great with plants that get a bit leggy like mums & sedums. Your Foxgloves are gorgeous, I've never been able to get them to stick around for more than a year or two. :)

Lynn said...

I love the color of your Foxglove-enjoy:@)

Anonymous said...

Just came back by to give you some advice. I never pinch this plant back since it doesn't repeat bloom. I don't do much other than let the foliage die back on the plant in the fall and trim it back in the spring when I see the new stuff emerging. I prefers full shade in my garden and lots of moisture. During spring when it blooms that usually isn't an issue, but if it is I give it a nice drink at least once a week if no rain is in the forecast. :)

Val said...

I've always been a pincher on tomato plants but never flowers. hmmmm. And how sweet of you to remember "Granny" saying "picture taker". So sweet.

Cindy said...

Foxglove looks so nice, as does hydrangea. I haven't had the best luck with astilbes either. This year I'm moving the few I have around the garden to see if I can find a better place for them.

Tamer Nabil Moussa said...


Really very beautiful

I wish you a happy day

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

Around the garden, I am not a pincher.., kakdah is... :)

Donna said...

Love your foxglove, Darla. Mine just now started to bloom and I must take photos. I haven't had much luck with astilbe, but I'm a pincher too. I just planted some dianthus in a pot. I hope it grows well.

Your blooms look wonderful!

Enjoy your day!

Skeeter said...

Such pretties you have there. Foxglove makes such a statement with its beautiful long stems of blooms...

Karen said...

Darla, if it were in my power to send rain your way, you would be getting it! We are having another week of cool wet weather, and it's dismal beyond words. Hard to get much done in the garden, everywhere I kneel it's squishy.

Love your flowers, the foxglove are amazing. I've never had luck with them. The astilbe only bloom once, which is such a shame, and around here they prefer the shade and a good drink now and then if it gets dry. I need to practice your pinching technique, I know my annuals really can use it, but it's just so hard to sacrifice any blooms when our growing season is so blasted short.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Foxgloves are so pretty.Everything seems to thrive under your special care.

L. D. said...

Your flowers are looking great. My white hydrangeas wont' bloom for a couple of weeks.

Robin Beck said...

I just LOVE Foxglove! Yours are so beautiful Darla, loved all the pictures today but the foxglove is my favorite!
Have a great week!

Lona said...

I would never pinch my astilbe's because they only bloom once here. Your red carnations are so pretty Darla. Wow, you are having a heat wave already.It is just now warming up here and we had more than one day of sun over the weekend and yesterday. Aren't you excited for me. LOL! I love foxgloves. I got some seeds for some white ones that I hope I can get to growing.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Darla, I took some pictures of some gorgeous hydrangeas while at Biltmore. I'll post some soon.

Love the red 'carnation'.. SO pretty...

Have a great day.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I love your foxgloves and your hydrangeas. We live in the same state, but you can grow a lot of wonderful plants that do not like our heat and humidity down here.

Hope you get some rain, we need it badly too.


Carolyn ♥ said...

My favorite is also your foxglove. Sadly, mine didn't make it through the Winter. But yours are beautiful!

Becca's Dirt said...

Pretty carnation. I am so in love with the foxglove. One of these days I'll get lucky. I now exactly what you mean about a few 'new' blooms. Finally I had a couple of new things.

NanaK said...

Foxgloves and hydrangeas are so southern cottagey. Love the carnation too. Hope you get some rain. We need it too.

Jean said...

I'm lovin' the foxgloves! Mine are barely up. All I know about Astilbe is that it loves the shade. Mine bloom in late summer. The hydrangea is a lovely color. Jean

imac said...

Real beauty Darla, and love those foxgloves too.

HolleyGarden said...

Love those foxgloves! I may have to try carnations from seed. haha I am easily convinced. I've always longed to have the masses of astilbes that I see in magazines, but after several tries, I've decided to move on. I hope yours multiply for you.

George said...

Your carnations (and everything else) are simply beautiful. We're pretty dry up here as well, but fortunately not quite as warm.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

It's fun seeing your foxgloves and hydrangea in bloom. Mine are greening up, and looking good. This is the longest I've had foxgloves live in a flower bed. I have one astilbe, and it pretty much gets ignored. I do give haircuts to catmints, asters, goldenrod, and such, though.

Jessica said...

I love foxgloves and have planted seeds every year and I get NOTHING. =) I've also planted over a 1,000 seeds every year and I get NOTHING...lol. Beautiful carnations maybe I will try those. We are officially in a drought and I've been watering every morning and night. No rain in sight since February. sigh.

Have a beautiful day~ J

Dave@TheHomeGarden said...

Very nice! We have a hydrangea similar to that I just planted. Is it an Endless Summer kind? The foxgloves look great!

Paula said...

Love your pink blooms! The flowers are lovely - Paula from Idaho

RURAL said...

You always have the very bestesttt! flowers. I do love your climate.

I was more or less joking about the burlap, but I mean really, wedding favors? What are people supposed to do with them? Here burlap is rough, and smelly, it's dusty. Maybe it's a different kind of burlap there.

Please tell me it's sunny there, we are in the middle of another stretch of rain, which I know many would like. But it's always grey, and gloomy here.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I had to go back and look at some of your older posts, your garden is really popping! I love seeing so much color. We are still very behind and cool. It's beginning to feel like we are just extending the winter, hopefully it will eventually warm up. The poppies here are just barely sprouting.

Dar said...

Loving all your blooms. Sure am wishing that carnations survived our bitter winters, but they are annuals here, so far. Love the Hydrangea and look at those Foxglove. Both survive here, but I cannot find my Foxglove this spring. Maybe she's just being shy.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Love those foxgloves!
Wish I could grow them.

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