Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekend Sightings..In Our Yard..

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We had some sunshine and some welcome rain. I'm asking for some help identifying a couple of things. First I show you a photo of a sick hummer..don't really know what was wrong with him, he wasn't flying far or fast which allowed me to snap a few up close photos.Not sure if this is an immature male hummer, because of the red dot on it's neck or a female. Regardless it was giving the sick hummer a fit. The next morning we found the male hummer by the porch..he didn't make it.

Woodpeckers like our pears. This is an immature woodpecker on the pears after taking lessons from one of it's parents.

I have also have watching this vine, haven't a clue how it got here, which happens a lot in my gardens. The bloom is this tiny yellow flower.

Then this fruit??? Any ideas?

Last up we have this very detailed cocoon of sorts hanging on one of the climbing roses?? Any idea what critter may have made this?

Thanks Gail at http://clayandlimestone.blogspot.com for the ID on the vine, it is Melothria pendula or creeping cucumber and the ID on the Bagworm Cocoon, don't think I want either one in my gardens!


Today I am Thankful for the wonderful things nature allows me to see.


Twisted Fencepost said...

Sorry, I can't help you with any of those.
But I'll be back to see what other's have written.

Val said...

That poor little hummer....Wonder what was wrong? That reminds me that I need to change all my hummingbird feeders today. Great pics!

Unknown said...

Good post! I feel bad for the little hummingbird...

Jill said...

So sad about that hummer. I can't wait to see if anyone can identify your mystery items!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Darla Sweetie...
Oh my gosh, I have never heard of a sick hummer. Something was definitely wrong. Bless his little heart, I fear the other hummer was saying his good-byes. He knew.

Don't you just love it when you get surprise vines and fruit that you aren't sure what you are getting? The birds must have dropped it along to you. I love those sort of surprises.

Now that coccon is definitely odd. I have never seen one quite like that. I can't wait to see what imerges from it. Keep us posted please.

Have a gorgeous day sweet friend. Many hugs and much love from Phoenix, Sherry

Poppy @ With a Dash of Color said...

Oh that poor thing!...wonder what was wrong with him. I love how you took these pictures... such a beautiful way to enjoy mother nature's glory! Thanks for sharing them with us... I enjoyed going through each picture... especially that woodpecker... how wonderfully you captured that image. Thanks so much for stopping by Darla and for your sweet comment on my lavender pots. Have a lovely day!~Poppy


Gail said...

Darla, I was heading over here when you stopped by C&L! I so adore your header photo~Love it more every time I see it. So sorry about the hummer.

The vine might be ~Melothria Pendula and I think the coccoon is a bagworm.


Becca's Dirt said...

I have no idea of what your cacoon is but it is different for sure. Poor hummer - I've never seen a sick one.

deb said...

Awww, poor hummer.

Love the woodpecker photo!
Well, I'm not much help with your questions. All I can say is it looks like some kind of melon. And the cocoon? no idea..weird

George said...

You got a great picture of the woodpecker attacking the pear. I just hope he leaves some pears for you. I have no idea what the cocoon is -- I haven't seen anything quite like it. Your unknown fruit looks like an immature melon. Could a bird have dropped a watermelon seed in your garden?

Rosemary said...

What great photos love the woodpecker eating your pear!

Dorothy said...

The sick Hummer looks cold with his feathers puffed out like that. The other one is a young male. The fruit on the unknown vine looks like a May Pop (not edible). Lots of these grew around our fields when I was a kid. We used to pick them and make pretend animals by using toothpicks and smaller fruits. May Pops are sort of hollow.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sorry about the little hummer, Darla. I have no idea what could have been wrong. So sad to see that happen though.

Glad you are finding out the answers to some of your mysteries.


Bummer about the hummer!

I'm glad your mysteries are solved. Too bad the news couldn't have been better. Love your woodpeckers.

Lola said...

So sad about the hummer. I do like to watch the ones I have.
I too think like Dorthy that the vine is May Pop. I've seen them plenty of times, also the cocoon.
Hope you have plenty of pears to go round. lol

Patsy said...

Life and death in the garden is amazing. A neighbors cat dug up the baby rabbits under the rosemary bush and ate them.

Masha said...

Great bird pictures, and sorry about the hummer. I can't help you with any of your mysteries, but they were fun to read about!

Diana LaMarre said...

I would have never know either of your mysteries, but I agree, they don't sound like anything you want in your garden!

Sorry about the poor hummer.

Karen said...

Darla, I have never seen a cocoon like that (or heard of it after it was identified!) so yes, I'm with you, out it goes. Aw, poor hummingbird, they are such hard workers. The woodpecker isn't being very nice, he's supposed to be eating bugs in wood. Maybe he's a new breed of pearpecker? (Sorry.)

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Poor little hummer, sometimes life is hard.
Kudos to Gail for the ID's. I thought that was a bagworm but hadn't seen one so small....usually they are huge and hanging in a tree/shrub.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

What great hummer photos.
Bag worms are not nice. If they're already in bags. Picking and squishing is the way to go. We battle an infestation in our junipers for about 3 years. Haven't seen one in ages. Knock on wood!

Julie said...

Glad you got I.D.'s, Darla! I have NEVER seen anything like that Bagworm cocoon!!! Pretty cool.

Beth said...

Hi Darla, I'm stopping over to catch up with you and your garden. I think the vine could be a melon or squash. Time will answer that question for you. We grow spaghetti squash and they look alot like yours, but the blossoms are different. I enjoyed your photos and your woodpecker. Also enjoyed seeing your Bloomin' Tuesday post with your pretty brugs, hidden ginger and pinecone lilies. Love those pinecone lilies! I'd never heard of them before. Enjoy this week in the garden.
Blessings, Beth

Jessica said...

Amazing photos~ beautiful birds. =)

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