Last Spring I sowed their little seeds directly in the garden. When they began to germinate I was so excited. The pep talks, watering and fertilizing began...more pep talks, more watering. (I know I am not the only gardener that transforms into a garden sideline cheerleader) After a couple of months some of the plants started dying others looking like they were about to. The frustration was setting in big time, I really wanted the beautifully striped blooms in my garden. What's a smart gardener to do? Use the tough love method. Ignore them. They will either make it or not on their own, after all, I had done all I knew to (over) do. The watering stopped, the fertilization stopped and the pep talks were more like, Oh, I see you are still hanging around.
The first three photos are how the two Gazania plants look now 4 months after my tough love method started. I say it's been a successful method with them. Why the frustration Darla? We all love low maintenance plants. Lesson learned: Get to know your plant's personality and the care they need. The tough love method was hardest on me...I wanted to hover and that's not what they needed.
Asteraceae Family
Zones 8-10
Full Sun
Size 8"-10" x 10" - 12" (First three photos taken Nov. 28. 2010)
Neutral to Alkaline Soil-Well drained
Today I am Thankful for the lessons I learn from gardening. I find I apply them to other areas of my life. (hovering is not always a good thing)