Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bloomin' Tuesday...

Drop on by http://msgreenthumbjean.blogspot.com and join the Bloomin' Tuesday party. From what I've been reading some of the northern gardeners are already thinking about cold weather, hmmm...I wouldn't mind a cool down, but cold weather, no thanks!

A Gulf Fritillary on my favorite color Zinnia right now..
Another one on the narrow leaf Zinnia.
This is the longest I have ever remembered my Althea blooming, just fine by me!
This Black Eyed Susan popped up under the Althea. This Rudbeckia in paticular self seeds all over, it's the lighter green fuzzy leaf one.
This tipsy planter should be covered in BES Vine blooms. Oops, I see one on the left.
Now back to where my attention goes when I'm in the gardens now..The Loofahs, if you are tired of seeing photos of them you should probably x out now.
I should get a photo of all the blooms when they are open, it's quite a lovely sight. This bloom is closing up for the evening.
I enlisted the help of one of the girls to hold the 12 inch ruler. This is actually the second Loofah I found.
This is the first one and the one I have been posting photos of.

Here's an odd shaped one
and a couple more on the lattice.


Today I am Thankful for the Joy in my heart!


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Your joy is contagious! How neat to be growing loofahs.

I am also looking forward to cooler weather. We did have heavy rains quite a bit on Sunday night and that was great.


Twisted Fencepost said...

I think those loofahs are so cool. I love growing anything that is out of the ordinary.
Like my pregnant onion. So unusual.

Susie said...

Oh I enjoy seeing the loofahs. They are quite interesting to see. I wonder just how big they are going to get?!?!

Karen said...

No 'x' ing out for me, no sirree! The loofahs are way too interesting to read about. I'm glad you're keeping us up on their progress. Even here in WI, today's high is supposed to be near 90, so we're not cooling down quite yet.

Dorothy said...

Gorgeous flowers today! I'm eager to see how those loofahs turn out. I had forgotten how pretty the Althea blooms are.

You might want to watch out, the word verification word is: Aphid

Racquel said...

Can't wait to see how those Loofahs turn out for you. Pretty blooms today. :)

Bonnie said...

I think your Loofahs are amazing!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

The butterfly on the first Zinnia is particularly lovely.Those Loofahs are growing to be quite large.
❀ Ruth ❀

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla dear, You've designed a tipsy planter? I've got a bunch of buckets and want to make one. Any suggestions you can offer I will gladly oblige.

I'm glad you've got at least one BESV flower. How odd that it's not blooming. I saw the same thing with a variegated morning glory at the nursery. The foliage was fab and didn't need flowers but the fact that there weren't any was weird. Too much shade maybe.

Thems loofas is gettin' BIG! Must be your great soil.

George said...

I'm not about to jump ship -- I find your loofahs fascinating. Keep the pictures coming.

Floridagirl said...

I agree...stay away, cold! Great fritillary shots, and the rose of sharon blooms are lovely. Your loofahs are pretty cool...something I've never grown.

Patsy said...

I like to watch your loofahs grow.
The seeds are in the mail.

Anonymous said...

Nope I'm stickin' around to see the loofahs too. I can't believe they come from a plant!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

The fritillary is so pretty. Wish I had one in my garden. I love seeing how the loofahs are growing. Keep posting. They're fun.

Ami said...

Beautiful, and love your loofahs!

Is your Althea tree deciduous in the winter? I just bought one, and thinking about where I should put it.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: Your garden is growing just fine. Love the butterfly here and below, nice captures.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

The Loofahs are fascinating... I love seeing more of them... Great pictures again today, Darla. The Althea is still gorgeous!!!!

NanaK said...

I've never heard of an Althea. It's so pretty. Love reading about the loofahs. Actually, I just like saying "loofah." How do you get the sponges from them. Dry them? Oh well, I'll just wait for the pictures.

Lona said...

I will be around to see if the loofah's take over your while yard. They sure are growing. That is a gorgeous zinnia Darla.Love the bright red. Have a great week.

Jean said...

I'm hoping for cooler weather! We're almost 90 today. The loofa are so interesting. I hope you'll share when you harvest them.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

We definitely have cooler weather and pouring rain, but it never really got hot here this summer in the first place.
I love seeing the updates on the loofahs. The fritillaries are so pretty, not too many butterflies left around here now. Guess they went looking for warmer weather.

Rosemary said...

Darla Love the butterfly photos , wonderful.Never grown loofahs. Yours are impressive. Will be interested in how they dry.

Mamajil said...

love your pictures Miss you seems like ages since I've seen ya!

Træpiller said...

This is beautiful and further interesting garden shared we can be make out that and get pleasure from it in this garden so lovely and further attractive garden. There are extremely fastidious blossom.

Forbrukslån said...

That will promote more blooming. Also, plenty of space means abundance of sunshine for each plant. When lacking sun, sunflower stems grow frail; they might even collapse in effort to reach for the sun.