It time to flaunt those flowers over at Phosts taken last evening.

My Wheelbarrow-Pansies, White Petunias and Sage


Purple Coneflowers



Looks like the White Salvia reseeded.

Poinsettias are still hanging in there.

This Calendula-Apricot has been trying to open for a couple of weeks now.

Sheffield Pinks Mums

White Petunia

Our Middle Medium Kid had her Winter Concert..CHRISTMAS CONCERT! last night.

This is her third year and she has done quite well. Beginner Band, Concert Band and now-

Symphonic Band!!
Last Winter she had a competition and made Superior...tomorrow she auditions for the All District Band...wish her luck!
Oh Darla...
Good Morning Sweetie. I am so tickled for you all with your precious daughter. She has found her God given talent. How wonderful is that. I am wishing her luck, but it sounds like she really doesn't need it, she has the best guide of all from above.
Please keep us posted on how she does. She just looks beautiful with her flute in front of the Christmas tree. What wonderful memories to cherish.
(Our little grand daughter is 9 years old, and has been playing the violin for a little over a year.) This year going into the 4th grade she moved up to the older group of kids, 4th - 6th grade. She made 1st chair about a month ago. There are about 35 violinist and she is the tiniest one of all. They sit her up front so you can see her. She told me that playing is her hearts desire. She wants to study in New York someday. We bought her the violin, and we will continue to support her.
I pray she does as well as your sweet daughter.
Stop by soon. I love the company.
Country hugs sweetie...Sherry
Dear Darla, that can o' snowman in your header cracked me up!!!! I love it! Congrats to daughter for her hard work paying off, she looks so sweet by the tree. Very Christmasy at your place. I hope to get our tree up this weekend and get rid of those boxes of decorations in the room. Hooray for your flowers and hooray for the pointsettias in particular! Thanks for the card, my dear. :-)
so THAT'S what flowers look like. i'm already beginning to forget. LOL!
Good luck with the auditions. How exciting, wish we could hear.
Wow on the hawk shot! (previous post) What a gorgeous bird! Now your flaunted flowers are pretty fine, too. Especially, since the big freeze has taken out our last blooming beauties! That is exciting news about your daughter! Wish her good luck from me. gail
What a lovely picture of your daughter by the Christmas tree!!!
I know you are proud of her. I wish her luck! Beautiful flowers, too.
Such beautiful kids you have Darla! I bet they're all sweeties like you.
How nice your daughter is doing so well. Congrats to her.
Nice blooms Darla. Wish my gaura looked as good.
Congratulations to your daughter Darla! My daughter played the flute in middle and high school band and in Marching Chiefs. It was her principal instrument in college. She used to teach private flute lessons before she had kids and got so busy. She had her winter concert at Godby last night and her students did a great job. Good luck to your daughter in her audition and let us know how she does. My daughter will be at the auditions.
OMG! How cute is your snowman can!!
Your flowers look so beautiful! Nice breath of fresh air.
Congrats to your daughter on her accomplishments so far and good luck with the upcomming audition.
Keeping fingers crossed.
She is so pretty next to the tree.
John was in beginner band in middle school. In high school he was captain of the percussion section of the marching band. When in competition he led the band on the field and he was the only one playing. I cried everytime, gives me goose bumps right now thinking about how proud I was of him. His music has led to his career, he installs high tech sound systems. Music taught him so much more though.
Love the snowman in your header.
Congrats to your daughter. She does look lovely.
I agree with Janean, so that's what flowers look like. My poor little pansy basket....sad.
You must be Proud Darla, very interesting.
Middle medium kid looks so pretty for her concert and so does your tree.
Now I know why I should move to Florida. You have all of those beautiful flowers blooming. Even a Pointsettia.
Sounds like your daughter is doing very well with her music - that's so great to hear. I went to a school concert last night also, my Grandsons 5 and 10.
I see you mentioned someone doing a post on growing Christmas Cactus. I have this Ed Hume link on my page and he does one. Go here - hope it helps.
congrats...on your girl's great to have a hobby that is healthy.
your flowers are looking so great still. do you garden year round?
your tree and decorations look lovely.
happy december.
I was pleased to see that progress in music. Our granddaughter is learning how to play a recorder or fluteaphone or some such instrument. I am amazed at her skill at 9 years of age and that she know what the little black marks mean and where to put her fingers to make that note.
Beautiful photography.
I love the petunia. And you daughter is so beautiful. She looks so elegant in that dress!
How exciting for your daughter to be doing so well. I bet she does great at her audition! It's great when they find something they really like to do. My daughter is on her third instrument, although I think this one (guitar) is the charm.
It's so nice to see flowers blooming and happy looking. Here they're all frozen and flat.
I love your wheelbarrow full of pansies. Hope the auditions go well.
What a beautiful and talented girl. I hope she makes that district must be so proud. Isn't it great to have growing flowers at Christmas?
Darla...great photos...I love to see son plays the drums and guitar and my daughter dances....I love the arts...
Darla, I also love pansies! You have beautiful flowers in your garden and I've enjoyed your blog.
Lovely flowers.
Good luck to yr daughter.
Hi Darla, I have just popped by to say hi and thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I am soooo jealous of your flowers, it's winter here and ours are all but over, just a few hangers on, but the frosts will soon have taken them as well. That's a lovely photo of your daughter with her flute.
Have a good week-end
your daughter is gorgeous!!! You must be so proud of her!
Your flowers are gorgeous the pansy's most...they are like tiny spectators in the garden...I can't wait till next year when I plant...I am getting the seed order ready to go!
have a good one friend! will be in touch vial email!
Hi Darla,
Good luck to your daughter, you must be so proud. You have so many pretty blooms in your garden. Loved the pansy and clematis pics.
Hi Darla,
Your blooms are looking so happy and healthy. I wouldn't have known what the poinsettia was. It's a cool looking plant in the ground.
I hope your daughter's audition went well. That's a great photo of her.
Hi Darla~~ Bragging rights to you for the talent of your middle, medium was it? :) Brings back memories. My youngest daughter plays piano and took clarinet up to symphonic band. And yes it's CHRISTMAS concert, hello! LOL I love all your blossoms but I'm most intrigued with your poinsettia. It looks fabulous growing in the garden, the green leaves with just a splattering of red. Very nice. [Can't be done here for obvious reasons.]
Thank you for your Christmas card. Something will be arriving in your mail soon. If I can get my act together. We had freezing rain last night but, thank the dear Lord it is melting.
So how did the audition go today? I love how tough pansies blue ones are still hanging in there even after our frigid cold and snow of last week. Lovely photos, especially the two-legged flower ;)
Darla: My your flowers are doing great even with the colder weather. My son was really into band when in school and is now the head of bands for a large school system.
Love all your beautiful flowers as always. Hope all went well for your daughter! :-)
I wish medium middle kid the best in her audition. She obviously has a lot of talent and All-District Band would be a wonderful experience for her.
Your garden is still beautiful.
Your house looks so pretty and your daughter looks so too. Congrats to her and hope she made it to the next level. I like your Santa collection over the fireplace. A corner fireplace showcases things just about the best of any place in the home.
Wow Darla,
What a wonderful accomplishment for your daughter to make symphonic band!!!!
Congratulations to her! What a gift she has!
I love all your flowers~ We got snow here last night in Seattle. It will warm up and turn to rain this week. :(
Thank you so much for your prayers for my son Timothy Darla, They meant so much to us~♥
God Bless You and Yours,
Pretty! I'm still jealous!
Good luck Middle Medium Kid!!!
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