Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cottage Flora Thursday

I am linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday over at http://fishtailcottage.blogspot.com .
We returned home last evening from our mini vacation and boy howdy was it needed. This time of the year is amazing to me in the gardens, things seem to change over night and two or three days there is a vast difference.
A tiny corner of the big sun garden.
Larkspur is setting buds.
This area should be full of Verbena soon.
One thing is for sure about rescuing plants. You never know what color the blooms will be. I find it exciting although sometimes placement of the colors may clash...but hey, it's my garden!
Salvia Hot Lips is happy.
Container combos

I have been waiting to finally see a double bloom on my Morning Glory...the first three blooms were singles and I was not feeling it...feeling it now though.
Just look Gail at http://clayandlimestone.blogspot.com
the PPPP is doing you proud!
I can't say I have ever seen Lavender bloom quite like this.
Some of the Clematis Vines...please do not inquire about their names...heck if I remember, some were rescued for a buck a piece so I really didn't care.
2. This is Nelly, I know that.
3. Rescued
4. Rescued and growing happily in a Pink Dogwood
5. Name tag read Ms. Bateman, growing happily in a Crape Myrtle Tree.
Those are the two Loros that stay adorned in burgandy clothes year round.

I still have two more Clematis Vines that are just about to bloom...I may be able to find more blooms to link with Tootsie tomorrow for FF.


Today I am Thankful for the safe and fun mini vacation I enjoyed with my husband.


Anonymous said...

Once again I'm ready to move to Florida or SC. LOL You have such beautiful plants and sooooo early. Love all of the Clematis - I need to quit killing half of mine so I can have lots of them
Did you see my comment on your last post? Told ya where you can get your cream (from Tootsie)for a great price. I think maybe Walgreens has it too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Darla, SO glad you and hubby had some time away together. That is so important!!!!!

Your flowers are amazing... The Clematis that you rescued is awesome. And I love the double Morning Glory.... Wow!!!

Becca's Dirt said...

So glad that you were able to get away. It's refreshing to the mind. Love all those blooms popping out there. Clematis is so pretty and lucky you with the rescued plants. It's a good feeling to see the rescued plants flourish. I'd be proud of that Morning Glory. The containers are running over with pretty. Have a good day Darla.

sweetbay said...

You have a ton in bloom now! It looks great!

One said...

Hi Darla, Your flowers are all looking great. The last few are not familiar and I find them exceptionally gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I can't get over how much you have blooming already, but then again you must be at least a zone warmer than me. Can't wait to see my Clematis blooming! :)

George said...

I know what you mean about gardens changing over night this time of year. It is really pretty exciting to get up in the morning to see what is new.
Your garden is simply getting more and more beautiful.

Lois said...

Glad you and hubby had a good time Darla! All of the pictures are so beautiful. My grandson took a picture of a lizard in your garden and it turned out so good that I think I will be putting it on my blog this weekend (probably Sunday). Of course I will have to give him credit for being my guest photographer and I will link it to your blog too.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

You have so many clematis. They look great. I'm hoping my Jack manii blooms this year. He was new last spring. A friend of mine planted a purple clematis with a white rose bush. The combination was wonderful as the clematis wound its way through the bush.

NanaK said...

Your spring garden is blooming so prettily! Love all the clematis and the fact that so many plants were rescued. That greenhouse is really earning its keep.

Karen said...

I'm glad you had a nice mini-vacation, too. Isn't it amazing how just a few days away makes you see the garden in a whole new light? I love the clematis; finally got one to survive for me and hope to add more. The morning glory is so lovely too, we can grow them up here, but they usually only bloom for a month before frost sets in. Your garden is just bursting with bloom; gorgeous.

Patsy said...

Looking good!

Patsy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Glad you had a great time with your hubby Darla, and that your gardens had lots of goodies for you to see when you got back. I LOVE all of your clematis. How wonderful to be able to grow them, and how wonderful to be able to rescue plants for $1.

Your gardens look lovely.

Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Thanks for the gardening inspiration. Love the clematis. I has some at my other house, need to find some more for here. Where do you rescue all of you plants?

Ami said...

I adore all your Clematis vines, which are something that I can not grow in my area. They are so beautiful! I also often buy those resue plants from lowes for $1 each, sometimes even $0.25 or $.50! I use them mostly in the containers, or sometimes in the flower bed. I don't care much about the color clash either. I just want to have fun in MY garden, especially in my backyard :)

p3chandan said...

What a lovely garden full of beautiful blooms you have! I love the morning glory, which I have never seen that colour, mine is blue/purple and those clematis vines are so lovely!

Olive said...

Your garden space is lovely. I too rescue plants and they usually make it and thrive. Things I pay full price for the deer eat:( Visiting from Flora Thursdays.

Masha said...

Your clematis is gorgeous, I am full of envy:), and so early too. Your garden looks lovely.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love visiting your garden,it cheers me up,so thanks again.

imac said...

Beautiful - I bet your garden is the size of a football pitch Darla.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Do we live on the same planet, Darla? I am jealous!

Carolyn ♥ said...

Love that you are a plant rescuer... I knew we were kindred spirits! Thanks for the smiles today!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Beautiful flowers, as usual!
I am glad you had a great time on your mini-vacation!!

Gail said...

Wow! The PPPP looks marvelous! But then so do all the flowers in your garden~We aren't there yet, in fact we may have a freeze tonight...Yikes. gail ps thanks for the link!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Hi honey
So great you and hubby got away for a few days. I think it is wonderful for you both.
Girlfriend every time I see your gardens I am absolutely in awe of them and you.
Oh how I would love to just have a few of these beauties growing in my yard. Just beautiful!
Have a wonderful weekend

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: A wonderful flower garden, I love all the clematis.

Autumn Belle said...

So good to go somewhere to have fun and relaxing time with hubby. You garden is giving you an enjoyable welcome home party!

organicgardendreams said...

Darla, your garden looks wonderful. I love that you have so many flowers blooming already. I particularly like your clematis. Looking forward to seeing more pictures of your garden this spring!

tina said...

Big changes for sure. I hope your vacation was wonderful!

Susan said...

Hey Darla...Your spring flowers are beautiful. You have a wonderful way of combining colors. I've never planted verbena before. Does it freeze, and if so, does it come back or do you have to replant it? I've never seen a double morning glory before...very pretty!

Also, just wanted to let you know there's a "caladium giveaway" going on at my other blog: http://centralfloridagardener.blogspot. If you'd like a chance to win one of the two $55 gift certificates for some caladium bulbs from Happiness Farms, please head over there and leave a comment. Have a great weekend.

Dani said...

Love all your clematis Darla! Just gorgeous.

Heather at Dusty Bay said...

Are you serious? Your garden looks just fantastic! We're just on the verge of Spring here - I sooo want to bring it on!!!

Fishtail Cottage said...

Wow i love it that you have such a charming garden post to share - i really am enjoying my afternoon seeing all of these garden post linked to Cottage Flora Thursday's! We are so far behind you here in Washington State - but enjoying what you have coming up in your garden....& thanks for sharing the names of the plants - gives me some ideas for planting this year! xoox, tracie

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Bateman... she is a beut. Love all your flowers, of course but I think if I get the chance I'll scour out the Mrs for my garden! Not sure where I'll put her, but never mind. :)

Julie said...

Gorgoeus garden, Darla!!!

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A-kasse said...

Your rock edged pathway weaving through all those beautiful blooms is a great picture. The purple clematis is just the perfect color to climb the back of that red chair. Your iris blossoms are so full and frilly. Love it all.

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