I don't believe many of us are fertilizing much this time of the year. We can flaunt what we do have happening in the garden, house or even the greenhouse (if you are lucky enough to have one). Drop by
http://tootsietime.blogspot.com/ and see what plants or flowers are being flaunted today..

If anyone has had experience with this plant please share it with me. Many banana like bulb things were planted late summer....

This Succulent was given to me.....nameless...any ideas?


I have 5 Foxglove that have survived since December 08 when seeds were sown. Do you think they will bloom this year?

Cornflowers that were sown at the end of Summer.

My Lacecap Hydrangea is showing signs of new growth.

I see promises of Spring everywhere I look...an exciting time of the year! We are expecting another round of showers today 2 - 4 inches in some areas. So, I'll be finishing painting another bathroom that I started yesterday (three down and two to go)..and probably pot up the Cosmos that I started from seed indoors........what are your plans for today?
***Last day to enter my give-a-way...it's a couple of posts back***
Today I am Thankful for and Praising the Lord that my husband has a job...
I LOVE to paint... you have been a busy girl... oh, but that goes without saying, my energizer bunny friend. :-)
There are many signs of spring in your garden, Darla. Before you know it with all this rain and a bit of sunshine it's going to look like Florida again around there soon!
Have a great day painting.
Oh, my plans...I'm still shoveling yards of dirt today onto the new area in the back. Have a long list of transplants to dig up and planted in new locations and there is veggie garden clean-up and prep to work on, too... then I'm going to the nursery to pick up some 'new' things. My reward for digging up transplants. :-)
I think your foxgloves will bloom here. Funny you mention fertilizer. It is on my to do list today since it is raining. I give all azaleas, camelias and hydrangeas a boost this time of year. The rest of the garden gets a general purpose boost soon too. It's raining so the perfect time.
Hi, Darla ~ We have been getting some rain lately, too. I'm ready to be outside. It is good to see evidence of spring! Sounds like you have been busy. My day...grocery store :/ and gardening inside (cleaning up messy house), blogging. Have a good day.
Darla: Oh so neat to see the green plants sprouting. I think that plant you questioned is a Sedum. There are so many name you to look through hundreds to find the right one. Stay safe in your rain storms.
Nice post. That plant with banana like bulbs is amazing. Where did you find it and what about its flowers?
It is so much fun to see those signs of spring. Thanks
As springs about to happen, then Darla springs into action on the bathrooms.
Nice to see you have quite a collection there.
It's hard to step off the sidewalk here without snowshoes. Instead of rain, we are scheduled for another round of snow falls. My Friday afternoons are spent running errands for my Dad. Hope the roads here aren't terribly slick before we finish.
I've only planted Ranunculus as plants. They have such pretty flowers. I can't wait to see what yours look like. I've been finding lots of Spring around here too, it is very exciting!
I bet your Foxgloves bloom too. They'll get pretty big by the time they are finished blooming.
Have fun painting!
Spring is definitely on it's way, just taking it's time. Hurry up!
I love seeing green in your garden. I did a post I thought about putting on Fertilizer Friday, but it really doesn't show much green. Considering here in PA, we are expecting more snow and frigid temps, again.
Thanks for helping me remember spring is on its way.
I know what you mean those little signs make us gardeners happy. You have a lot coming up.
Enjoy your rainy day.
It is so wonderful to see new growing things Darla. I do not have a clue as to your mystery plant but I am sure someone will. Have a wonderful weekend!
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Things are starting to perk up in my flower beds too. Soon....
You are just to busy, but guess you are having fun.
It is rainy here today and no sign of spring but the snow is leaving.
I think we're going to be watching it rain most of the weekend, but I don't think we'll get as much as they are predicting for you. I'm envious of the signs of Spring that you are seeing in your garden.
Don't you just love when everything starts popping out of the garden! So exciting!
I think if the Foxglove grew before, I will again. I have had one spot where it does really well. I have actually had it put out blooms twice in the same season. Only the one time but it was fab! I usually let some go to seed and then just drop the seed around the plant.
how exciting the plants are just coming into being and spring is in the air, happy fertilizer friday and the weekend to you
I was in our small back garden today and noticed a few green shoots poking out.. I am not a true gardener, nor is Jane but we do try to keep what we have growing in order. I have been thinking of doing a bit more about the place while the grandchildren are about... get them interested and learning. My lads got a lot of enjoyment from growing sunflowers.. maybe thats what I might do this year.
Hopefully by calling by here you will inspire me to do more.
Hi Darla, Looks like spring has begun in Florida... Your succulent looks like a Sempervivum... Is that the babies shooting out on the side????? I call ours Chicks and Hens--but there are many different varieties.
Hope you don't get too much rain down there. We have had ALOT of rain yesterday and today. The birds are eating like crazy at the feeders...
Have a good weekend.
Girl I just got home after driving too many miles in the rain. At my mom's it was winter wonderland, cold but pretty.
I miss seeing green plants so I'll just enjoy yours! I am anxiously awaiting spring!
Am I reading this right? Do you really have five bathrooms?
I am officially jealous!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
HI Darla
There are so many hybrids nowadays that it's confusing. But that succulent looks just like one of mine. I managed to find the tag: Graptoveria. If you do a google search on "Graptoveria", you will find many similar pics.
I love spring, where lovely fresh green colour starts to show...
Hope you are having a nice weekend, Ev
you are a busy little bee ! your signs of spring are way ahead of mine, but I do recall last year being just jealous every week when you shared your garden while mine was still frozen solid!
thanks for sharing again this week girlie!! luv ya
Your garden plants here remind me of what I might see in an English country garden. Ranunculas, I haven't had much success with, but they have wonderful flowers.
You have five bathrooms????!!!
I would hate to clean your house. I hate cleaning bathrooms.
i love this greenery..
because i love to b a gardener to my home..
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