See how beautiful the sun is shining on my flowers? Just finished spreading sheets in the garden because of the frost we are expecting tonight..
Today I am Thankful for the little things in life that mean soooo much!! :)
Loving and Learning About Flowers in My Zone 8-8b Gardens. (with a family photo from time to time) LIFE BEGAN IN A GARDEN...
All those beautiful flowers, but most beautiful of all that lovely pile of dark earthy goodness!
I am absolutely in love with Nemesia!! So cute! What wonderful photos of your happy plants. Love your pile of "gold"!!
Knew you would win with the blue bird: Looks like lots of work in that pile.lol
I have a few crocus blooming...
your flowers are gorgeous girl...I love the periwinkle color pansy...but I have to agree...that compost is very inviting!!!
thanks for using my banner...lol
and for being such a loyal FF participant!!! I love seeing what you are up to...!
Ah, compost... it brings so much beauty into our lives. :)
Lovely flowers darla. Hope the frost wont be too bad.
Happy weekend, Ev
ps. the bird header pic is GREAT!
Congrats on your new "stuff", and your gorgeous flowers! It is so cold down here tonight as well. I am ready for the 70 degree mark to stay for the rest of the year!!! :)
Darla: Beautiful flowers, any white we had this morning is gone with a big snowfall expected. We will get to Spring one day.
Black Gold indeed! I hope your beautiful flowers fare well through the frost :^)
Stunning flowers Darla
I think the Crocus are really nice...
The Winners Shield looks well in your sidebar.. but would look much more at home in mine.. ha! you keep it polished for when I win it next week..
Lovin' those pics of the pansies and violas! How exciting...a big pile of compost! Your garden is going to be so happy and healthy.
Everything is beautiful!
Nice blooms Darla! You know you're a true gardener when you get all excited about compost! hehe!
Gorgeous flowers Darla!
The flowers are all so pretty, it practically looks like summer! But that big pile of compost might be the prettiest thing on here today :) I'd love to get a big load like that delivered here soon.
Beautiful flowers especially the pansy. Wow! What I am interested in is the compost. It looks so rich and dark.
Everything looks bright and cheerie. Must be nice to live in Florida. ;-) We had 4 beautiful days but the nights froze and that concerns me with all of the flowers so far ahead of schedule here. Hope they're ok.
I see a lot of hard work in your future. How is that for physic vision? Oh well it could have been your picture of all that compost. It looks wonderfully rich. Your pansies and violas are so pretty Darla. I just have to laugh each time I see that Bluebird header. Just love it.
Have a wonderful weekend and don't work too hard lady.
I would love that black gold too along with some of those lovely blooms you have. My pansies are still refusing to flower.
Darla~~ Yummy compost!! I can practically hear your earthworms shouting in ecstasy.
Would you believe my Loropetalum has buds? Not as far along as yours yet but getting there.
My snide side says I should ask which one is the compost and which is the snotty neighbor...
But my un-snide side won out.
I do most of my blogging with our two year old princess on my lap. When she saw your flowers she started clapping and saying "pretty flowers" so you got theultimate vote of approval.
I LOVE COMPOST! Totally doing a happy dance for you. :)
WOAH major compost jealousy!!
Look at that pretty compost! Oh, and the flowers are pretty, too. How exciting! I have some aged horse manure waiting to be picked up. I plan to compost it. I hope to get it before the temps get warm.
Hi Darla.
I'm thinking about compost. Do you still have your Tithonia diversifolia? The leaves from this plant make excellent compost. The leaves decompose very quickly (about 2 weeks) and are full of nutrients, especially phosphorous (which is unusual for a green manure). Check out the plant on the internet and you'll see what I mean. Farmers in Africa are using it to sustainably cultivate their land.
i like the last line in your post...you are thankful for the little things in life that mean so much. that always has to be kept in the front of our thoughts.
we have nothing blooming here except inside...i long to see the garden come alive again.
what's this about a new washing machine>? i just got a new one this week too. it is so much more quiet.
happy february
We don't have that much color yet, but it's coming. The crocus' are blooming. YAY!!!
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