Well just looky what came in the mail for me today. I won a giveaway over at Alice Grace's
http://hartdolls.blogspot.com/ and I also received some seeds from Becca over at
http://beccasgardenspot.blogspot.com/ Thank you, Thank you, Thank you both!!

Today I am Thankful for the generous bloggers I have met
Wow! Lot's of great things. What a great mail day!
What great goodies you got there girl! Cannot wait to see those Dahlias in bloom this summer.
I love to get stuff in the mail that isn't really mail. Those are goods.
I went to WM today to pick up a couple of things and I couldn't pick them up fast enough for me to run over the garden center. Weather like this just brings it out in me. I'm gonna get a few different kinds of feeders this year and see what I can do.
That is very nice. Hope to see the results later.
How exciting~I'm waiting for the seed exchange to arrive! Packages get a girl excited, don't they! gail
Darla: More beauty to add to your Southern garden.
Great goodies for a gardener.
Congrats Darla, look forward to seeing the flowers when they come up.
Congrats on winning the giveaways Darla... That is super. Like memes, I usually stay away from them --although I did ONE giveaway last year myself and I have won some things before.
These days I just seem to be too busy to do anymore than I'm doing... Sometimes I meet myself coming and going. I love blogging and I love keeping up with comments... But --the more followers I have and get, the more time it takes (as you know).
How is your potassium situation???? I have another friend who went to the hospital last night --and they found out that she has a lack of potassium.
How good is that... well done
Looks like you made a killing. Hope they all turn out beautiful flowers and plants.
Congratulations. I hope they will add colours to your garden soon! ~bangchik
And you're one of the most generous, Darla. Your mail today is an example of good karma.
Thanks again for letting me know about my blog's burp. I couldn't detect the error until I logged off and logged on as a visitor. The problem was html I messed up on. Hopefully I'm back in the swing of things again. Nice weather here. How 'bout you? Going to get those seeds planted?
Seeing all of this almost convinces me that there will be a Spring! It looks as if you're going to have many beautiful flowers to share with us.
Great gifts and what a fun mail day!
Oh Darla, what lovelies were in your mail! Yummy dahlias and other goodies. Add me to the list of those who can't wait to see photos of them in bloom! :-)
Such a nice gift. I'm searching my new catalogs for dahlias right now. Not for me but for my parents. Congratulations.
You sure did hit the jackpot!
Wow, how cool!
(I was just stopping by to spy on your birdie shots ::insert evil laughter:: ;-)
We are thankful for you~♥
congrats on your winnings... As I was driving back from my mom's today I decided to do more gardening this year-You are my inspiration.
Mmmm. I've been trying the lottery. Maybe I'd have better success going for seeds. :)
Hi Darla Aren't you the lucky one then. I love your blog sorry it took so long to visit I sometimes get carried away with my Lyme Disease blog and other related things and don't get so much time to garden blog hop.
Guess what? I got Dahlias too! And those fat quarters you recieved are great. I am glad that you won. My mom is an angel. This was her first give away!
Hey, Darla, I am so glad you like the gifts! I did not know if you sewed, but I knew you worked with beautiful flowers, and since Dahlias are one of my favorites, that is what I chose for you, but sent you the fat quarters as it was part of the giveaway! I bet you can find something to do with them. Thanks for participating in my giveaway and congratulations for your win!
Wow.. i love your mail day! That would make me smile too... Thanks for popping by my blog.. please do come again. Fell free to grab my button if you want .. happy saturday!
Thanks for stopping by Darla. The blog list is great too. Just a litte rant I had and now I am happy again. Lol.
Your site is so full of amazing pictures. And the one of your full sun garden makes me want to see more.
Wow, congrats on winning, such a lovely assortment of items.
How is the weather? Warming up?
We are having the most beautiful series of sunny days.
Oh, Yay!
That's fun to receive in the mail! Those seed packets are cute. Have fun :)
Oh me too--cause we will get to see them forever here on your blog.
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