Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pinks, Purples..and Two Visitors..

FoxgloveYesterday our youngest spotted a Turtle in the edge of the woods while we were
checking out this Rabbit. Rabbit best not go near the veggie garden!
Pale Purple
Dark Purple, Pink
and white Larkspur...which do you prefer?
My girls gave me a gift card to Lowes for Mother's Day so after Church to Lowes we went.
Grace, this is the Salvia I wondered if you have?

Anyone have any experience with this? Rescued it for .50.

This was also on the distressed rack marked down to $6.00 from $15.95.


Today I am Thankful for the wonderful gifts and LOVE I received on Mother's Day.


Cher' Shots said...

Oh wow, so much color ~ I love them all. I'm sure your rescue plants have found themselves in a loving new home. The beauty is you can enjoy them for years to come!

Deb said...

so pretty..love the bunny....

Dave@TheHomeGarden said...

That butterfly bush doesn't look even remotely stressed! Great find! The salvia looks pretty neat. I've seen it but never bought one like it.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

That bunny looks pretty comfy.
I like larkspur too. I like that it reseeds in sweet places.
You got a lot of great plants. Hope they all like their new home.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you did good. Love Weigelas and if fact got a new dwarf the other day. Got the sedums you sent put in their permanent home finally.

Becca's Dirt said...

Great gift - they know don't they. I love purples. That is just euphoria when I go into a garden area and see reduced plants - because we know that someone didn't want to take the time to plant a puney plant. Gardeners will plant those babies.

Lona said...

Wow, what wonderful new plants. I love the pink larkspur. I hope that little bunny does not find your veggies.

Rebecca said...

OOOOOOOOh! I'm going to have to do some "rescuing" of my own! You found some goodies here. I'm partial to blues (and white)....

Roses and Lilacs said...

The larkspur is beautiful. I should try some. Love the fox gloves. One of my favorites.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

You get so many cool visitors to your yard! I guess they love your flowers as much as we all do.
What great plants you found with your gift card. I planted Bloody Dock last year and really like it. It survived our freezes and stayed evergreen. I bet yours will perk up quickly. I think it's got kind of a creepy name though.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I just love your foxgloves. The larkspur are all pretty too. Hope the rabbit leaves your veggie garden alone.


George said...

I love all the color in your garden, but I hope you are going to keep an eye on that bunny!

tina said...

A nice garden shopping trip is an awesome Mother's Day treat!

Patsy said...

When we went to Lowes their plants all looked under stress.They still wanted full price. You got some good ones.

Julie said...

I like the white Larkspur!!! Sweet gift (card)from your girls...they really know you!!! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Very pretty pinks and purples, Darla.

Hope the bunny stays AWAY from the veggie garden!!!

It's neat that you rescue those distressed plants...

Giving you a Lowe's gift card is the BEST gift you could get, isn't it????

Have a great day

Martha said...

Not playing on the header challenge today? I hope everything is ok with your dad - still sending thoughts and prayers.

Gail said...

Darla, Nice plant sale finds and gifts! I grow the dock...I've seen it in water and in containers. Just don't let it get too dry....It's a great accent plant. gail

Susie said...

Darla we sell that Dock at our nursery. It doesn't like the heat here but it does great in cooler weather. I've seen it come back after winter too.

Ami said...

I love your Foxglove, and purple (all shades) and white! Very pretty! When I go to lowes I always check out their clearance rack. Sometime I can find some good deal there :) Yours look very nice.

sweetbay said...

The rabbit looks like he's eating and resting at the same time. I love foxglove and larkspur -- any color larkspur, although I consider the midnight blue/violet to be an essential part of the mix.

Bren Haas said...

You know I LOVE YOUR visitors. The one with the really long ears is my favorite. Looks like you are having a busy spring.

Happy Gardening.

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla Dear~~ I missed the first half of the show today but I think it was the Newman snafu and the Lily amnio conflict.

I've always called it "Red-veined Sorrel" but it's the same plant. For me, it needed a lot of water and wilted whenever it was thirsty. I don't think it ever had time to develop the taproot before it croaked. It is a gorgeous plant though. [2 B cont'd]

Anonymous said...

Part 2. Sorry but I had to close the comment window and go back to the original post/photo to see about the Salvia. [This is why I prefer the pop-up window format, hint, hint, chuckle, chuckle.] Anyway, yes and no. I DID have it but like most of this type of Salvia, it tends to go tragically MIA each spring, despite my efforts at good drainage. But last year, as I recall it was a doozie.

Love your critters. Much cuter than those whatchamacallits from the previous post. :)

Anonymous said...

Good choices and rescues Darla. I wish them well in your garden. I'm sure they will bounce back quickly. :)

Twisted Fencepost said...

I think I am more partial to the dark purple Larkspur. But I'll bet they are very pretty all together.
I'm glad you had a great Mother's day. I did, too!

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Unknown said...

I had to look and see what area you are living in to already have such beautiful flowers! And they are beautiful.