Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Skywatch and Fertilizer Friday....

It's time for Skywatch Friday over at http://skyley.blogspot.com/ and FF over at http://tootsietime.blogspot.com check out both of these memes to see some amazing photos from up above and down below! As the sun was beginning to set two evenings ago.
My freaky Foxglove
Larkspur, Impatiens and Lamb's Ear
Tiger Lilies are short but bold!

First Canna of the season.
African Daisies
One of my four wheelbarrows, first Zinnia of the season and yellow Four O'clocks.
As the tall Breadseed Poppies die back the Purple Coneflowers fill in.
Four O' Clocks
Celosia, Cleome and Zinnia
A few photos of my pink Four O'clocks to show the solid pink and the pink and white blooms on the same plant...With flash
without flash.
I really wish these would bloom before 8:30 in the evening.
Day Lily
I love this shade of orange on the African Daisies.


Today I am Thankful that the children have two weeks left of school before they are out for the summer!


A Garden of Threads said...

The colors of the clouds at sunset are wonderful. Your garden blooms a are wonderful.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful flowers, Darla! I thought of you yesterday as I saw a rock in the gift shop at Cracker Barrel that said, 'Early to bed, early to rise, Work like heck, and fertilize!' I told Jeep and Kay that sounds like Darla!

Lola said...

Pretty blooms. Have you ever seen a 4 o'clock with pink & yellow on the same bloom. Those plants sure are strange indeed.

tina said...

That first sky shot is the best! The clouds mimic the shape of the tree perfectly. Too cool!

Lynn said...

Well that foxglove certainly is a conversation starter! Everything looks great!

Susie said...

When I had 4 o'clocks they never bloomed until late in the evening. Maybe they need to change their name.

Patsy said...

My cleome are just peeking up out of the ground they need hot weather I guess.

Lois said...

That beautiful light was reflected right into my dining room the other night and it made such a lovely glow!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Your skywatch clouds are beautiful.

I've never grown four oclocks-- yours are so pretty. They are behaving more like moonflowers:)

Larry said...

I should do four o'clocks again! The one year I used them, I really enjoyed the blooms... had forgotten about them I guess! Your sky pictures are very nice! Larry

Becca's Dirt said...

Beautiful Darla. The cleome I did from seed didn't make it. Love the four oclocks. Pretty color on the lily. Gorgeous sky photos.

Sherrie said...

Beautiful blooms! Love the daisies, so pretty! Have a great day!

Sherrie's Stuff

Chandramouli S said...

Beautiful blooms you got there. The Four O'Clocks bloom exactly about 4 O'Clock here with a sweet fragrance. I love them so!

George said...

We're still waiting for our lilies and daylilies to bloom, but it shouldn't be much longer. I really like your first sky picture with those beautiful golden clouds.

Anonymous said...

Darla your flowers are just beautiful. Every time I see your gardens I think about moving to Florida. NOT! LOL Seriously, I do love how beautiful it is and how you can grow flowers there but I think it would be to hot for me.
So glad to hear that the Columbine bloomed good for you it's first year and that you have seeds coming. Every time I walk by mine I give it a little shake and then have little Columbines everywhere! ;-)

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Great flowers. My favorite are the daisies at the end. What a nice color.

sweetbay said...

Magnificent sunset. You've got two of my favorite annuals, cleome and four o'clocks, although yours are way ahead of mine and four o'clocks are probably more reliably perennial there.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful sunset, Darla.... AND--I always love seeing all of your varieties of beautiful flowers.. Even though they are short, the Tiger Lilies are beautiful. Our lilies haven't bloomed --but they are CLOSE.

Have a great weekend.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: Your sky was putting on a show to match your beautiful garden.

Paula said...

Love your tiger lily;s - they are magnificant!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

The clouds and the colors are Beautiful ! Your right that Foxglove is "Freaky"....., All your blooms are Wonderful! What a Great time of year :) Enjoy your weekend.

Noelle Johnson said...

Beautiful sky and flowers. I believe your foxglove is showing signs of fasciation.

Lona said...

What beautiful clouds.
Darla girl I just don't know about that Foxglove.It is getting stranger and stranger LOL! I am thinking it may be an alien plant.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Darla your walk thru the florals is lovely. I just saw that daisy in the nursery for the first time this week ... beautiful!

Have a fantastic weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Gail said...

That is some freaky foxglove! So love the clouds and pretty flowers. gail

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

First I have to say I love your new header!
Your flowers as usual look beautiful! Your yellow daylily looks just like the one I have. I like your evening shots of the Four O'clocks.

JO said...

love the colors... love your pictures.

Mine's up. Happy weekend!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Those billowy clouds and the colors in the sky are beautiful!

Of course I love the blooms, too. I see a lot of the same flowers I grow, but I won't see mine blooming for some time. Awesome photos!

BGgarden said...

These cloud shoots are wonderful! I love your shares - they totally invite summer! It won't be long my friend.

Julie said...

Your first zinnia...sweet! We are having so much fun watching my grandsons pot of mixed zinnia seeds open up to see what color will be next! Looks like a white/greenish color will be next...but they surprise you! I will be planting a ton of these seeds in October at my house since it has been so much fun watching his!!

Twisted Fencepost said...

So pretty!
That foxglove is really freaky. Wonder how freaky it will look when it blooms?!
I love those big puffy clouds.

Tootsie said...

wooo hooo!!! Darla!! I love this post! I am not nearly as brave as you to use the wheel barrow with soil in it...I put pots into mine this year...but thats a step for me...I didn't even do that much last year!
my beds are all covered in old bed sheets due to a cold snap this weekend...ugh
I want so badly to walk in person through your garden!!!

Rusty in Miami said...

Beautiful blooms, I been meaning to plant some 4 o’clock flowers in my garden. They remind me of my grandmother’s garden in Cuba.

siteseer said...

I haven't had cloeme for years. Time to try it again... it actually did quite well the year that I had it in a container on the deck. Beautiful flowers.

marmee said...


i get to see all your blooms in anticipation of what will bloom next here. you are weeks in front of our season.
the sunsets are wonderful and they have been beautiful here too.
happy may.

Val said...

Believe it or not I joined you in the Fertilizer friday. I actually am showing some of Vickis flowers and plants. I hope that is ok. I have been wanting to do this for a long time so better late than never.