Worry is like a rocking chair, it's gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Visit to Ms. Doris' Gardens

Went to Ms. Doris' Three Doors Down.

She has over 50 Hydrangeas ! Here are a few beginning to bloom. She roots them and has shades of whites, pinks, blues and purples........oh yeah the Limelight green too.

Where do you think this little fellow was found?
Well in the Butterfly Garden of course.
Did you say this is a Ruellia Ms. Doris? Love the softness of the color.
Coral Bean
One of her Gardens is dedicated to Texas..one of her daughters lives there.

Look what you can do with horse shoes...
I just love this!

Now it's your turn to visit my gardens Ms. Doris..Thank you so much for all of the cuttings!


Today I am Thankful for Ms. Doris and her generous spirit.


Susie said...

I wish I had a neighbor like that!!! I would love to meander thru her garden and just get lost in it.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I love that concrete planter!!!

Please tell Miss Doris her garden is lovely. And tell her she needs to start a blog. I'm certain we all could learn a lot from her.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

What a great gardening neighbor! Thanks for the tour. She has a nice place.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Very inviting garden! 50 hydrangeas? Wow! I want to try to root one of mine, thanks for the idea!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

That was lovely. Thanks to you and Ms Doris.

Kyna said...

Lovethe 'Butterfly Garden' area! :D

Julie said...

I love that Texas garden!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful garden Ms. Doris has. The woodsy setting is just gorgeous. Love all her flowers, the horseshoe cactus is different - who wudda thought? Did she make it?

sweetbay said...

Her garden is beautiful. I *need* one of those horseshoe sculptures.

Larry said...

Lovely garden... I love visiting the gardens of others! Larry

Twisted Fencepost said...

Ms. Doris's garden is beautiful. She definitely shares the love for flowers as you do.

Lona said...

Wow, I would think I was in hydrangea heaven in Ms Doris garden.Love hydrangeas. Isn't that horseshoe cactus fun? Hope you got some great starts Darla.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Her gardens are beautiful! It looks like a park it's so full and lush. You must love going to visit her.

Ami said...

I love the soft pink of that Ruellia too! Wow, isn't it great to have a neighbour that close who shares the same gardening passion with you? Sharing the cuttings with the friends is so much fun! Ms. Doris' Garden is so pretty, love all the Hydrangeas!

Patsy said...

Thanks for taking us to visit Ms Doris garden it is lovely.

Lola said...

I totally agree with Susie.

Becca's Dirt said...

You lucky girl - I am so jealous. Love the beautiful gardens and what a nice neighbor to have - the best gardening kind.

Prospero said...

Hi Darla. How have you been?

You know, I kinda wish Ms. Doris would live three doors down from me.

Anonymous said...

Darla, your wonderful photos make my garden look so good. Thank you for putting them on your blog. I really enjoyed your visit and the plant gifts (I haven't planted them yet). I'll be up to see you soon. Doris

Noelle Johnson said...

Oh Darla,

I absolutely love hydrangeas, but they do not grow well here. The next best thing is to see them here in your blog :-) I can see why you like to visit Doris' garden.

Tracy said...

Oh how pretty! Thanks for sharing and tell Ms. Doris too :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla Dear, Well here's another thing we have in common, talented garden friends. Beautiful!!

RURAL said...

Wow, if I had a neighbor like that, I don't think that I would be spending any time in my own garden.

What a beautiful garden. Love it.


Racquel said...

You can tell she is a passionate gardener just by the wonderful variety of plants she grows & the interesting garden art! I loved the tour, thanks for sharing. :) I'm so jealous of her 50 types of Hydrangeas, wish I had room to grow that many.

George said...

Miss Doris has a beautiful garden. Your neighborhood has to be the most beautiful in town thanks to the two of you.

Danielles Garden said...

Nice garden!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Ms. Doris has a beautiful property, too. Yes, tell her she should start a blog.

I have some friends who I've given to and received plants from. At this point, we pretty much have what we wanted from each other. Her yard is larger than mine, and she grows a lot of plants that spread too far and wide for my gardens.